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This short tutorial will show you how to conduct a patent search using Google Patents. Patent searching: Google Patent Search Title Slide
Google Patents is a good place to start your patent search because it gives you the ability to do a broad keyword search for your patents of interest. You can get to Google Patents from the patents tab on relevant research subject guides, by doing a web search for Google Patents, or by typing in the URL Google Patents Search
Some pros of Google patents are that you can do a broad initial search of both U.S. and international patents using a familiar search interface. There are a few downsides, though. One is that there is a delay in adding patents to Google's search engine after they have been added to other databases. Also, other patent databases offer more filters to help you narrow down your list of search results. Finally, Google does not guarantee complete coverage of all patents or provide certain information about what countries or time periods are covered. For these reasons, a complete patent search requires using other patent databases as well as Google Patents. For more information about patent search strategies and tools, check out the library's other patent searching tutorials.  

You can start with a general keyword search or with an advanced search, which offers options that can bring back a more targeted set of results. If we click on Advanced Search, you will see a list of filters on the left side of the screen. This section begins with the search terms header.

We can enter our search term stent graft, which initially brings back about, results. We can then add some filters to narrow down this list. For example, we can set the date filter so that we only see patents granted within the last years. In other words, patents that have not yet expired. We can also limit our results based on other factors like language, status, and type.

When we apply these filters to our search, the list is narrowed to about, 184,000 results. If you see a patent of interest, click on it to get more information. The patent's page will include an abstract that summarizes the information in the patent, and quick access to the images, which can help you understand how the invention is designed.

If you select the Find Prior Art link, you'll see a new search screen that shows prior art that pertains to the patent you were viewing. In other words, any previously published information on which the patent's claims have been developed. The Similar link will retrieve similar patents, which is another helpful way of retrieving potentially relevant sources for your background research.

The page also shows the patent's classifications. Patents are organized in an international system of classifications or categories. In this example, the classification is AF/ Stent-grafts. We can select Search to see a list of all patents within this classification. Or we could select Add to Query, which retains the keywords and filters from our first search. This would bring back a more focused list of results, but may not include all relevant patents.

Keep in mind that there may be multiple classifications or sub-classifications that are relevant to your search. Here we could select View more classifications to see all of the classifications for this patent. For more information about classification as a search strategy, review the tutorial Tips for Classification Searching.

If we scroll to the bottom of the patent, there are some reference lists where you may find other useful sources. For example, there are patent citations. non-patent citations, as well as patents that have cited this one. There is also a list of similar documents that is usually shorter than the one you would retrieve by using this Similar link, which may make it easier to sort through.

Google Patents Search homepage. Presenter clicks Advanced Search option from the bottom of the page and searches for stent-graft. Filters set: date 2003-2023, language: English, status: grant, type: patent. Presenter opens page for the patent: Debranching visceral stent graft and methods for use. Presenter selects find prior art option under the patent number in the right column. Highlighted similar option appears next to find prior art option. Search and add to query options are available from pop-up menu after hovering over a classification.
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