This page provides links to library services and resources for neonatal nursing research.
Neonatal Nursing Resources: find articles, journals, drug information, e-books and organizations
Looking for articles but not sure where to start? For articles describing primary research, written by experts in the field, try the nursing and medical databases listed below.
The brief videos below will help you develop your research question, choose keywords and offer tips for improving your search results!
A selected list of Snell Library journals in neonatology
Major Drug Databases
To search for e-books, use the Library Catalogs option in Scholar OneSearch. On your search results screen, choose E-books under "material type" to retrieve only e-books.
For information about our e-book collections, please visit our page on E-books and E-book Collections. Information on E-book devices is also available. E-book collections with nursing content include: Books@Ovid, ANA Nursing Standards, ClinicalKey, AccessMedicine, AccessPharmacy, STAT!Ref, ProQuest E-book Central.
General Neonatal Care
Neonatal Pathophysiology
Fanaroff & Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: diseases of the fetus and infant
ISBN: 0323295371Publication Date: 2015Klaus & Fanaroff's Care of the High-Risk Neonate 6th ed.
ISBN: 1455740373Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood 8th ed.
ISBN: 0323291775Publication Date: 2015Neonatal Infections: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management
ISBN: 9783319900377Publication Date: 2018
Infectious Diseases
Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 8th ed.
ISBN: 0323392814Publication Date: 2018Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases: a problem-oriented approach 5th ed.
ISBN: 9781496367440Publication Date: 2017Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 5th ed.
ISBN: 0323461328Publication Date: 2018Remington and Klein's Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn 8th ed.
ISBN: 0323340962Publication Date: 2016
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk 11th ed.
ISBN: 1496349628Publication Date: 2017
Standards of Care
Critical Care
AACN's Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care Nursing 3rd ed. by
ISBN: 9780826133021Publication Date: 2019Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing 5th ed.
Call Number: Snell Library Stacks RJ253.5 .C67 2015ISBN: 9780323225908Publication Date: 2015Merenstein & Gardner's Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care 8th ed.
Call Number: 9780323320832ISBN: 0323320848Publication Date: 2016
Maternal/Fetal Medicine
Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine: principles and practice 8th ed.
ISBN: 0323568912Publication Date: 2019
1. Search nursing and health-related databases to find peer reviewed or scholarly articles on your topic.
2. Choose keywords for your topic.
3. Learn the shortcuts: use advanced search techniques to search databases more effectively and find the full text.
4. Interlibrary Loan: Use ILLIad, our interlibrary loan service to request articles not owned by Snell Library. HINT: click on the PDF link or the "Check NU LIbrary" in your database search results. If the article is not available, you will be prompted to link to ILLiad to submit your request.
5. Organize your citations using citation management tools such as RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley or Zotero. Import your citations from your
database search, then autoformat them into your preferred citation style, and insert the reference list into your paper.
6. Email me: s.dunphy@northeastern.edu
If We Don't Have Access to an Article You Need...
Request articles or books not available at NU through ILLiad, our interlibrary loan service. Articles are delivered electronically.
Citation Management Software
Learn how a citation management tool can make your research life easier.
What is a citation manager?
A citation manager is a piece of software that helps you collect and organize your research and create bibliographies and in-text citations. Citation managers generally offer a range of citation styles and features to choose from.
Which citation managers does the library support?
The Northeastern library supports EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks and Zotero. We also support the use of BibTeX and LaTeX.
Which citation manager should I use?
While citation managers generally have the same basic functions, each one offers some specific features.
Our citation manager comparison chart (below) can help you identify the features that will work best for you. See also our tutorial on choosing a citation manager.
- Comparison chart for citation management softwareCompares EndNote 20, RefWorks, Zotero, and Mendeley Desktop.
How Do I Develop a Research Question?
How Do I Choose Keywords for my Search?
Choosing your keywords carefully will speed up the research process.