Tutorials on Finding and Using Healthcare Statistics

Struggling to find health-related data or statistics? View the tutorials linked below.

Data Resources

Massachusetts Data

U.S. Health Data

Global Statistics

Claims Data

Claims data describe the billable interactions (insurance claims) between insured patients and the healthcare delivery system. Claims data falls into four general categories: inpatient, outpatient, pharmacy, and enrollment. The sources of claims data can be obtained from the government (e.g., Medicare) and/or commercial health firms (e.g., United HealthCare).

  • Basic Stand Alone (BSA) Medicare Claims Public Use Files (PUFs)
    This is the Basic Stand Alone (BSA) Public Use Files (PUF) for Medicare claims. This is a claim-level file in which each record is a claim incurred by a 5% sample of Medicare beneficiaries. Claims include inpatient/outpatient care, prescription drugs, DME, SNF, hospice, etc. There are some demographic and claim-related variables provided in every PUF.

Mapping and Visualization

Database of Health Policy Data Sources

Harvard Catalyst's Policy Atlas is a comprehensive database of policy and public health data for researchers, policymakers, and community advocates. Use it to find sources for policy data appropriate to your research topic.