
This page provides you with links to Northeastern University Library's nurse anesthesia resources, including article databases, ebooks, journals and drug information.

Nurse Anesthesia: tips for research success, find articles, e-books, journals, anatomy, drug information

Looking for articles but not sure where to start? For primary research articles, written by experts, try the databases listed below.
The brief videos below will help you develop your research question, choose keywords and offer tips for improving your search results!

1.  Search nursing and health-related databases to find peer reviewed or scholarly articles on your topic.

2.  Choose keywords for your topic.

3.  Learn the shortcuts: use advanced search techniques to search databases more effectively and find the full text.

4.  Interlibrary Loan: Use ILLIad, our interlibrary loan service to request articles not owned by Snell Library. HINT:  click on the PDF link or the   "Check NU LIbrary" in your database search results. If the article is not available, you will be prompted to link to ILLiad to submit your request.

5.   Organize your citations using citation management tools such as RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley or Zotero. Import your citations from your database search, then autoformat them into your preferred citation style, and insert the reference list into your paper.

6.   Get Help from a librarian
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AccessAnesthesiology(Opens in new window) is a prime resource for anesthesiology. AccessAnesthesiology includes:

  • Leading anesthesiology textbooks – a definitive collection of anesthesiology texts including the comprehensive reference, Anesthesiology, along with the world’s best-selling anesthesiology book, Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology.
  • Multimedia – A robust library of animations, lectures, and procedural videos designed to guide students, residents, faculty, and practicing anesthesiologists through basic and advanced skills including exclusive ultrasound, regional anesthesia, and advanced monitoring videos.
  • Interactive Self-Assessment – More than 3,800 Q&A designed to help residents prepare for their in-service exams and boards, and clinicians for recertification or specialty exams such as TEE and Pain Medicine.
  • Practice Guidelines – Concise tables and algorithms summarize the latest protocols to distil essential information for easy access.
  • Integrated Drug Database – Look up dosing, indications, and adverse reactions quickly for generic and brand-name drugs, and print out patient handouts available in both English and Spanish.
  • Cases – More than 100 patient cases from Case Files and Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology help students better understand and explore possible patient scenarios in the clinical setting.

Orient yourself to AccessAnesthesiology by watching a webinar recorded for Northeastern students and faculty.


Anatomy.TV offers detailed 3D models of human anatomy, which may be rotated. Layers of anatomy may be added or removed. Includes dissection slides, ultrasound, MRI and CT scans.

  • Browsers: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari
  • Accessible on iPad, iPad Mini, Android tablets
  • Rotate models in any direction using your mouse, zoom in/out, and choose which structures--muscles, organ systems and more, are added or removed.
  • Link to relevant text, dissections, clinical slides, diagrams, video clips & MRI scans
  • Create customized images with your own labels and annotations. Print or save them for future use.
  • Quiz yourself!
  • Watch the introductory video

How to Use Anatomy.TV

Quizzes & Activities
Test your knowledge of anatomy with the Quizzes & Activities module of Anatomy.TV.

Number of questions
You can choose how many questions are to be featured in your quiz. The minimum number of questions is five.

Question type
There are two types of quiz questions: 'Where is' and 'What is'.

'Where is' questions will ask you to identify an anatomical structure in the 3D model. For example, if the question is 'Where is the femur?' you will need to find the femur in the 3D model and click on it.

'What is' questions will ask you to name the anatomical structure highlighted in the 3D model. You will be given a choice of five anatomical structures, of which only one is correct.

Question difficulty
You will also have the choice to take easy or hard questions. Easy questions will test you on the basic functional anatomy of the chosen area, such as major muscles, ligaments and neurovascular supply. Difficult questions will test you on less obvious anatomical structures, such as divisions of musculature and detailed neurovascular supply.

Choosing views
You can also choose which 3D view to be tested on. You have the option to set the quiz on all or a subset of views.

During the quiz, you may want to consolidate your knowledge of a particular area of anatomy. This is facilitated by clicking on the Review button, which will open up the relevant product title in a new tab or window. Please note that once you have clicked on the Review button, subsequent clicks will refresh the currently opened tab or window, which may be displayed behind the Quiz window.

How Do I Develop a Research Question?

How Do I Choose Keywords for My Search?

5 Ways to Improve Your Search Results
