Archival and Primary Sources at Northeastern

Finding Other Archival Sources

See also "Free web historical recordings" on the Getting Started with Listening page.


See "Reframing the Music Classroom" for information about researching diverse and underdocumented musicians and musical genres.

Digital Scholarship Projects

The Music Library Association compiled a list of digital projects (Directory of Digital Scholarship in Music (Opens in new window)) over the course of 2018-2021. 

While this is a static site, a dynamic list is available in Google Sheets; you can view and add projects to it here (Opens in new window).

Dissertations and Theses

Interlibrary Partnerships

Interlibrary delivery: ILLiad

Interdisciplinary journal research

RILM Logo, linked to RILM database, calling attention to this important resourceRILM and the other music-specific resources on the home page of this guide are key resources for music scholarship.  The resources below also have substantial music-related articles and information.

Journal articles (scholarly and peer reviewed)

RILM: Use the "academic journals" filter; most of the results will be in peer reviewed journals.

Scholar OneSearch:  use the "peer reviewed" filter, or search the article or its DOI (digital object identifer, a unique number starting with 10.xxxx).

Journal impact factors:

Google Scholar: Customized for Northeastern!

Customize Google Scholar in order to get access to full articles through Northeastern's library subscriptions.
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For more, see our Google Scholar tutorial.(Opens in new window)

News and Newspapers for Music Research

See the library's News and Newspapers Guide

Also see our tutorial, How Do I Find Historical Newspapers?

Music Theory Tools