- BillboardThe international music-record newsweekly. Industry news, legal updates, trends, and charts
- RIAA ReportsIn-depth reports about recordings and sales from the Recording Industry Association of America.
- Touring DataAn independent resource for professionals of the live entertainment industry. They believe that comprehensive industry insights should be freely available to everyone interested in the touring industry.
Direct Licensing and the Music Industry by This book discusses the economics of the music industry in the context of the changing landscape brought about by innovation, technological change, and rapid digitization. The ability of digital technology to reduce the transaction costs of music copyright licensing has all but destroyed the traditional media business models of incumbent Performance Rights Organizations (PROs), music publishers, record labels, and radio and television stations. In a climate where streaming services are rapidly proliferating and consumers prefer subscription models over direct ownership, new business models, such as direct licensing, are developing. This book provides an overview of the economics of the traditional music industry, the technology-induced changes in business models and copyright law, and the role of publishers, copyright holders and songwriters in the emerging direct licensing model. In Part One, the author examines the economic aspects of direct licensing as an alternative to the traditional blanket license for copyrighted musical compositions, with an emphasis on the often monopolistic nature of PROs. In Part Two, the author focuses on the music publisher and the role direct licensing and competition may play in the changing business models in the music industry and the potential benefits this may bring to copyright holders, such as songwriters. To compliment this model, the author proposes a maximum statutory fixed-rate for musical performances to further streamline the royalty process, especially where distributors such as Google and YouTube are concerned. This book adds to the growing body of literature on the economics of music licensing in the digital age. It will be useful to those in the fields of economics and law, as well as music executives, musicians, songwriters, composers, and other industry professionals who are interested in understanding how technology, innovation and competition have reshaped the music industry.​
ISBN: 9783319176536Publication Date: 2015-10-13Multi-Sided Music Platforms and the Law by This book explores the legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding copyright protection, competition and privacy concerns arising from the way multi-sided platforms use copyright-protected content in digital advertising. This book suggests how stakeholders in Africa, and their advisors, may ingenuously reform and apply various legal and regulatory frameworks to address these issues which arise from the manner in which multi-sided platforms use copyright-protected content in digital advertising. The book critically engages with the regulatory efforts in other jurisdictions, particularly the EU, with a view to bringing an African perspective to the debate and practice. It undertakes a consideration of this issue by asking how multi-sided platforms may be deployed in a manner that continues innovative uses of copyright content while protecting the economic freedom of African copyright owners as small businesses. Providing the first pro-Africa approach to the regulation of multi-sided platforms, particularly with reference to music, this book focuses on key aspects of digital commercial activity and highlights the main challenges and opportunities for its regulation. It will be of interest to lawyers, policymakers and students across Nigeria, South Africa, and internationally among the African Union, European Union and beyond.
ISBN: 9780429028380Publication Date: 2019-10-28The Music Industry:music in the cloud by The music industry is going through a period of immense change brought about in part by the digital revolution. What is the role of music in the age of computers and the Internet? How has the music industry been transformed by the economic and technological upheavals of recent years, and how is it likely to change in the future? This thoroughly revised and updated new edition provides an international overview of the music industry and its future prospects in the world of global entertainment. Patrik Wikstrom illuminates the workings of the music industry, and captures the dynamics at work in the production of musical culture between the transnational media conglomerates, the independent music companies and the public. New to this second edition are expanded sections on the structure of the music industry, online business models and the links between social media and music. Engaging and comprehensive, "The Music Industry" will be a must-read for students and scholars of media and communication studies, cultural studies, popular music, sociology and economics.
ISBN: 9781299534117Publication Date: 2013-01-01The Oxford Handbook of Social Media and Music Learning by The rapid pace of technological change over the last decade, particularly the rise of social media, has deeply affected the ways in which we interact as individuals, in groups, and among institutions to the point that it is difficult to grasp what it would be like to lose access to thiseveryday aspect of modern life. The Oxford Handbook of Social Media and Music Learning investigates the ways in which social media is now firmly engrained in all aspects of music education, providing fascinating insights into the ways in which social media, musical participation, and musicallearning are increasingly entwined.In five sections of newly commissioned chapters, a refreshing mix of junior and senior scholars tackle questions concerning the potential for formal and informal musical learning in a networked society. Beginning with an overview of community identity and the new musical self through social media,scholars explore intersections between digital, musical, and social constructs including the vernacular of born-digital performance, musical identity and projection, and the expanding definition of musical empowerment. The fifth section brings this handbook to full practical fruition, featuringfirsthand accounts of digital musicians, students, and teachers in the field. The Oxford Handbook of Social Media and Music Learning opens up an international discussion of what it means to be a musical community member in an age of technologically mediated relationships that break down the limitsof geographical, cultural, political, and economic place.
ISBN: 9780190660772Publication Date: 2020-10-07Artist Management for the Music Business by
ISBN: 9781003179009Publication Date: 2022-03-20For anyone managing an artist's career: how to generate income through music and how to strategically plan for future growth.Music Rights Unveiled by
ISBN: 1317203070Publication Date: 2017-09-22An inside look at the complex world of music rights for film and video with step-by-step guidance to navigate these tricky waters. User-friendly guide, designed specifically with filmmakers and producers in mind.
Individual Market and Industry Reports
- Independent Label Music publishing in the U.S. (Ibisworld) (Opens in new window)Key statistics about publishing, performance, licensing, and the political and social landscape. (3/2023)
- Major label music production (Ibisworld) (Opens in new window)Finding musical talent, recording, and distribution. Company focus: Sony, Universal, Warner (March 2023)
- Musical Groups and Artists (Ibisworld) (Opens in new window)Landscape of the performance, royalty, and merchandizing of musical artists.
- Streaming Audio Trends, US 2023 (Mintel) (Opens in new window)Market and forecast of consumer spending, advertising, pricing perceptions, and much more. Includes satellite radio.
Research Databases
Chartmetric offers access to data about music sales and industry. Available to students taking classes in the Department of Music. Ask your instructor about access.
Market and company research reports
- Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowScholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information, the majority in full text. Some video.
- Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowUS and UK trade magazines (1880-2000) covering the vaudeville era to the internet era. Includes Billboard, Variety, Broadcasting, Melody Maker and much more
- Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS) This link opens in a new windowNews, market research reports, and company and financial data from more than 80 emerging markets.
- IBISWorld This link opens in a new windowEconomic, demographic, and market data on thousands of industries worldwide.
- MarketLine Advantage This link opens in a new windowResources include company, industry, and other business intelligence.
- Mintel U.S. Reports & Global New Products This link opens in a new windowCategory specific reports with quantitative and qualitative market, brand, and consumer insights as well as a global database of new consumer packaged goods launches in 86 markets.
- Proquest Entrepreneurship This link opens in a new windowIn addition to articles in text and PDF, this resource has guides, templates, forms, sample business plans and tips from entrepreneurs, from video to downloadable Word and Excel files.
- NetAdvantage (S&P Global) This link opens in a new windowReady access to S&P Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Mutual Fund Reports, Bond Reports, Corporation Records, The Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, and The Outlook.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowBrings together data and graphs on every imaginable topic from business to government, surveys, sports, and scientific topics. Easy to use, exportable charts and data, recommended citations.
News and Newspapers for Music Research
See the library's News and Newspapers Guide
Also see our tutorial, How Do I Find Historical Newspapers?
- Access World News Research Collection (Newsbank) This link opens in a new windowOur largest general news source, with current and complete newspapers, magazines, wire services from around the world. Backfiles sometimes go back to the 1980s. Text only.
- BillboardThe international music-record newsweekly. Industry news, legal updates, trends, and charts
- Boston Phoenix (1973-2013) (Internet Archive) This link opens in a new windowBoston's alternative newspaper of record, the first word on social justice, politics, as well as the arts and music scene.(1972-2013)
- Ebony Magazine Archive (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowThe Ebony Magazine Archive covers civil rights, education, entrepreneurship and other social topics with an African-American focus, including more than 800 issues providing a broad view of African-American culture from its first issue in 1945 through 2014.
- Ethnic NewsWatch (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowInterdisciplinary, bilingual (English and Spanish) full text newspapers, magazines and journals of American ethnic, minority and indigenous communities. Offers additional viewpoints from those proffered by the mainstream press.
- Playbill (Opens in new window)This website of the theater magazine, which includes domestic and international theater news and features. Excerpts, ticket sales. Free, ad-supported.
- Rolling Stone (Opens in new window)Rock & Roll, national affairs, feature stories, reviews, classified ads, and the music charts
- Variety (Opens in new window)Entertainment news in all genres. Includes reviews, awards, festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences.
- World Intellectual Property Organization Magazine (WIPO) (Opens in new window)WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation.
Music Industry Organizations
- American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) International (Opens in new window)An association of composers, lyricists, publishers, and others involved in the creation of music. ASCAP is the leading performing rights organization, representing over 540,000 songwriters, composers and music publishers.
- International Federation of the Phonograph Industry (IFPI) (Opens in new window)The voice of the recording industry worldwide.We represent the interests of 1,300 record companies across the globe."
- Future of Music Coalition (Opens in new window)A Washington D.C.-based nonprofit organization which works with musicians, composers and industry stakeholders to provide solutions to shared challenges.
- Mechanical Licensing Collective (Opens in new window)A nonprofit organization that licenses and distributes royalties for digital music creators. As of January 1, 2021, songwriters and music publishers must register with The MLC using its online claiming portal to receive royalty payments under the Music Modernization Act.
- National Independent Talent Association (Opens in new window)A group formed by independent talent and management organizations.
- National Independent Venue Association (Opens in new window)"NIVA's mission is to preserve and nurture the ecosystem of independent live music venues and promoters throughout the United States."
- Next Big Sound (Opens in new window)As part of Pandora, they deliver analytics tools used by music makers, labels and marketers looking for data and insights about artists and their fans.
- Recording Industry Association of America (Opens in new window)Trade group that represents the United States recording industry. Provides the industry perspective on intellectual property rights, lawsuits, and more. Includes most major labels.
- SESAC (Opens in new window)A performing rights organization which represents songwriters and publishers, and their right to be compensated for having their music performed in public.
Copyright Reources
Theft! A History of Music (graphic book) by
A 2000-year long history of musical borrowing from Plato to rap, available as a free download from Duke University.
- U.S Copyright Office, Copyright and the Music Marketplace.An in-depth analysis pf the current methods of licensing music in the US. Provides balanced recommendations to improve the music marketplace.
- Music Licensing: From the Campus to the Real World/ David Herlihy, JD, Northeastern University.NU Law professor's powerpoint presentation. Download and open on your desktop.
- Music Modernization Act (Opens in new window)The Music Modernization Act (2018) is the most significant piece of US copyright legislation in decades and updates our current laws to reflect modern consumer preferences and technological developments in the music marketplace.