APA Reference Checklist

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  • Are all author names listed in the format of Last name, first and middle initial? For example: Smith, J. H.

  • Is your reference list alphabetized by the last name of the first author for each source?

  • Check your capitalization on all article titles. Have you only capitalized the first words of the title and subtitle, along with any proper nouns?

  • Are book, magazine, newspaper, and journal titles italicized?

  • Are volume numbers for newspapers, magazines, and journals italicized?

  • Have you included the first and last page number for each article?

  • If you are citing electronic sources (websites, e-books, electronic articles), have you included retrieval information (DOI or URL) for these sources?

  • Are all of your reference list entries double spaced?

  • Have you used a hanging indent on each reference list entry?


Find more tutorials

These tutorials have largely been organized by stages in the research process. 

Research Basics

  • Choose a research topic
  • Develop a research question
  • Build an effective search
  • Databases vs. search engines
  • How to Find Library Databases

Scholar OneSearch

  • What is Scholar OneSearch?
  • Find full text articles
  • Use advanced search
  • Set up search alerts
  • Search for course materials
  • Interlibrary loan
  • Request materials from the Annex
  • Save to EndNote
  • Save to RefWorks
  • Save to Zotero
  • Save to Mendeley

Search Tips and Strategies

  • How to narrow a search
  • How to find more search results
  • Google Scholar
  • How to find an e-book
  • How to use an article to find more sources
  • How to find case studies
  • How to find streaming media
  • Find cases and law reviews in Westlaw Campus Research
  • How to find books and other resources in the Internet Archive
  • How to find dissertations
  • Use a citation to find the full article
  • How to find journals by subject
  • How to set up search and publication alerts

Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Sources

  • What is peer review?
  • Scholarly vs. non-scholarly sources
  • How to find peer reviewed articles
  • How to determine if an article is peer reviewed

Evaluate Sources

  • Evaluate articles and journals
  • Evaluate books and book chapters
  • Evaluate websites
  • Evaluate data & statistics
  • What is a primary source?
  • How to read a research article
  • Annotated bibliographies
  • Understand literature reviews in research
  • How to analyze research for a literature review
  • Primary vs. review articles
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative
  • Green vs. gold open access

Cite Sources

  • Citation fundamentals
  • Citation managers
  • APA citations
  • Chicago citations
  • MLA citations
  • IEEE citations
  • How to cite government publications
  • Cite data and statistics

Data & Statistics

  • Data or statistics?
  • Find data
  • Find statistics
  • Evaluate data and statistics
  • Cite data and statistics

Subject-specific Tutorials

  • Art & Architecture Research
    • Finding images using the Avery Index to Architectural Periodical 
  • Business & Market Research
    • Public vs. private companies
    • How to find information on private companies
    • Market research: How to find industry information
    • Market research: How to find company information
    • Market research: How to find customer demographic information
    • Market research: How to find country background information
  • Education Research
    • What are peer reviewed empirical studies (and how can I tell if I've found one?)
    • How do I find peer reviewed empirical research articles?
    • Empirical vs. theoretical articles
    • Advanced search strategies for Education research
    • Practitioner journals: what they are and how to find them
  • Health Sciences Research
    • Primary vs. review articles
    • How do I find articles written by a nurse?
    • How can I create a more comprehensive search for literature in the health sciences?
    • PubMed Essentials
    • How to use MeSH terms in your PubMed search
    • How to build a MeSH search
    • How to find clinical trials in PubMed
  • History Research
    • ArchiveGrid
    • How do I find historical newspapers?
  • STEM Research
    • Primary vs. review articles
    • How to create an O'Reilly for Higher Education Account
    • How to read the title of a standard
    • How do we know when to cite evidence?
    • When do we need to cite the original source?
    • How to cite figures in IEEE style
    • How to cite interviews in IEEE style
    • What is inclusive citation
    • Patent searching strategies
    • Patent searching: Google Patent search
    • MathSciNet
    • Web of Science

NOTE: All of these can be found on the Research Tutorials guide.