APA ebooks
APA Handbook of Test Theory and Testing and Assessment in Psychology (Volume 1) by
This three-volume handbook is a comprehensive presentation of the theory and application of tests in psychology and education. It begins with an in-depth portrayal of psychometrics: the quantitative underpinning of testing. It then provides thorough, up-to-date and informative chapters related to five general application areas of testing: industrial/organizational psychology clinical psychology (including health psychology) counseling psychology school psychology educational testing In each of these five areas, this handbook is probably the most comprehensive review of the use of testing and assessment in the subfield.
APA Books E-collection (Opens in new window) contains the full text of 80 books relating to behavioral sciences from the American Psychological Association.
Research Methods
Check Sage's Research Basics page for Psychology (Opens in new window) and for Counseling and Psychotherapy
(Opens in new window).
Use the Project Planner (Opens in new window) to get an overview of the research process.
Little Blue Books (Opens in new window) cover qualitative methods (answering questions such as "How do I research drug-related violence?")
Little Green Books (Opens in new window) cover quantitative methods (answering questions such as "Where can I learn more about analysis of variance?")
Book Catalog
TIP: Within Scholar OneSearch, limit your search to "Boston Catalogs" in the drop down menu to find books and ebooks.
Oxford Handbooks in Psychology
The Oxford handbook of developmental psychology and the law 2024
The Oxford handbook of uncertainty management in work organizations 2022
The Oxford handbook of mental health and contemporary Western aesthetics 2023
The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and romantic relationships 2023
The Oxford handbook of group and organizational learning 2017
The Oxford handbook of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders 2023
The Oxford handbook of autism and co-occurring psychiatric conditions 2020
The Oxford handbook of moral development : an interdisciplinary perspective 2020
The Oxford handbook of deaf studies in learning and cognition 2020
Older DSMs
NOTE: Older editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are no longer included in our PsychiatryOnline Premium Collection (Opens in new window) package. However, you may be able to find a free PDF of the edition that you need, such as this 1987 DSM III-R in the Internet Archive. Please contact me if you are unable to find the edition that you need.