Citation styles

A citation style is a standard template or framework for citing your sources.  It determines what information to include, in what order, and the punctuation and position of your citations in your work.  You can find information on the most frequently used citation styles here.

Communication Studies literature uses both APA and Chicago styles.  Ask your advisor, editor, or professor which style to use.

Citing AI-generated content

A variety of guidelines are emerging on how to cite or credit the parts of your work generated by artificial intelligence and large language model tools. 

Northeastern offers an Insider's Guide for students (PDF) and an Overview and guide for instructors (PDF) on the responsible use of AI at the University.

Practices and standards for citing and crediting the contribution of AI in your work vary between style guides, so always consult your instructor, advisor, or editor to be sure of expectations for your academic work and research.

Citation Management Software

The Library supports EndNoteRefWorksMendeley, Zotero, and BibTeX citation management software. BibTeX and LaTeX are most commonly used in mathematics.

Citations and Bibliographies Guide - Visit this site to learn more about citation management software as well as different citation styles.

Meet with a citation management specialist.

More Writing Assistance

For help with writing projects, consider a visit to Northeastern's Writing Center.  Assistance by appointment is offered in the 412 Holmes center. Online consulting is also available (all appointments in EST).