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Atlas of Jewish history by
Publication Date: 1993How Jewish is Jewish History? by
Publication Date: 2014- Hybrid hate : conflations of antisemitism and anti-Black racism from the Renaissance to the Third Reich byISBN: 9780197529294Publication Date: 2020
Jews & diaspora nationalism writings on Jewish peoplehood in Europe and the United States by
Publication Date: 2012The Jews: a history by
Publication Date: 2016Kings of the Jews: the origins of the Jewish nation by
Publication Date: 2010- New perspectives on Jewish cultural history : boundaries, experiences, and sensemaking byPublication Date: 2020
Turning points in Jewish history by
Publication Date: 2018
Check "More Key Resources" for Additional Databases
- Cambridge Histories-Jewish Studies Cambridge Histories includes over 300 volumes spanning fifteen subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.
- Index to Jewish Periodicals WITH Jewish Studies Source (EbscoHOST) This link opens in a new windowCitations and abstracts to English-language articles and book reviews on Jewish history, activity and thought in more than 220 journals devoted to Jewish affairs, combined with full text periodicals in Jewish Studies Source.
- Ancient Jewish History: The DiasporaA project of American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
- Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica "Donated to the University of Pennsylvania Libraries in 2012 by the Kaplans, and growing each year, teaches us about the everyday lives, families, businesses, communal institutions, religious organizations, voluntary associations, and political circumstances of Jewish life throughout the western hemisphere over four centuries. It provides a unique window into the changing character of colonial life and culture around the Atlantic world and within the United States. It documents changing perceptions and experiences of new worlds of space and time, not only from the perspective of its Jewish colonists and citizens but also in the context of the larger societies in which they have lived. The collection, in short, is more than the sum of its parts. It is the constellation of unlimited potential connections among its many pieces from the time of colonial settlement in the sixteenth century into the era of mass migration at the end of the 19th century."
- Compact Memory Comprises the 172 most important Jewish newspapers and journals of the German speaking area of the years 1768–1938. These periodicals represent the complete religious, political, social, literary and academic spectrum of the Jewish community and the "Science of Judaism", thus constituting a major source for the research on Judaism in the Modern Age.
- Fordham University History Internet Jewish History Sourcebook One of the first digital resources curating translated primary sources from around the web (not just for Jewish history) for use by students, teachers, and the public.
- Jewish-American History Foundation, Jewish-American History on the Web Since 1998, has provided full digital text of primary historical documents previously unavailable to the general public except in historical society archives or on reels of microfilm.
- Jewish Heritage Network "JHN is developing Jewish digital heritage projects and services with forward-looking institutions and funders. The core of our mission is to leverage innovative technologies to provide global access to Jewish heritage content. We are registered as a non-profit digital agency in the Netherlands and operate globally."
- Jewish History Resource Center: The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History Includes over 6425 links to websites in more than 30 categories dealing with Jewish History
- Judaica Europeana 2.0 This Europeana Generic Service project aims to increase the amount of high-quality data and metadata that Jewish cultural heritage institutions provide and make it accessible through Europeana.
- Virtual Jewish History Tours A project of American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, who is "building the most comprehensive online resource on Jewish history, politics and culture, to provide a one-stop shop for users from around the world seeking answers to questions on subjects ranging from anti-Semitism to Zionism."
- YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe The only resource of its kind, this encyclopedia provides the most complete picture of the history and culture of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present. This website makes accurate, reliable, scholarly information about East European Jewish life accessible to everyone.
- YIVO Institute for Jewish Research The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research was founded by scholars and intellectuals in Vilna, Poland (now Vilnius, Lithuania), in 1925 to document and study Jewish life in all its aspects: language, history, religion, folkways, and material culture
Archives, Museums & Libraries
- American Jewish Committee Archives Filled with more than a million documents and hundreds of movies and radio shows, the New York-based American Jewish Committee Archives house an extraordinary range of resources on the past century of American Jewish history.
- American Jewish Historical Society Established in 1892, the AJHS is the oldest ethnic, cultural archive in the United States. It provides access to more than 30 million documents and 50,000 books, photographs, art and artifacts that reflect the history of the Jewish presence in the United States from 1654 to the present.
- Blavatnik Archive This nonprofit foundation collects documentation primarily on twentieth-century Jewish history (and in particular Soviet and Russian Jewish history).
- Center for Jewish History Located in New York City, The Center illuminates history, culture, and heritage. It provides a collaborative home for five partner organizations: American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. The partners’ archives comprise the world’s largest and most comprehensive archive of the modern Jewish experience outside of Israel.
- The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Located at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the Archives were established in 1939. They hold the archives of hundreds of Jewish communities, as well as of local, national and international Jewish organizations and the private collections of many outstanding Jewish personalities. The Archives now hold the most extensive collection of documents, pinkassim (registers) and other records of Jewish history from the Middle Ages to the present day.
- Digital Public Library of America "The Digital Public Library of America amplifies the value of libraries and cultural organizations as Americans’ most trusted sources of shared knowledge. We do this by collaborating with partners to accelerate innovative tools and ideas that empower and equip libraries to make information more accessible."
- Museum of the Jewish People- Beit Hatfutsot (Israel) This Museum, in Tel Aviv, presents and displays the unique and ongoing 4,000 year-old story of the Jewish people – past, present and future.
- World Zionist Organization, The Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem Holds millions of documents and pictures that tell innumerable stories about individuals, and the joint story of a people, since the dream of a "Jewish state" was woven, via the settlement enterprise, the absorption of immigrants, the strengthening of the Jewish settlement in Palestine in preparation for the establishment of a future state and until the first years of the State of Israel.
- The Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at the New England Genealogical Society The Center is a place for exploring and preserving the histories of Jewish families and institutions in New England and beyond. The JHC engages historians, genealogists, partner organizations, and the general public in the study of Jewish history, culture, and legacies through its extensive archival collections, educational programs, exhibits, and public events. It is the only historical center dedicated to, and specializing in, New England Jewish history.