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Selected Multidisciplinary Statistical and Data Resources - U.S. Focused
- Sage Data This link opens in a new windowSage Data is a collection of U.S. and international datasets sourced from governmental, commercial, and private organizations. Sage Data allows you to search and browse millions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized exportable charts and tables. Includes the Claritas Consumer Profiles dataset.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowBrings together data and graphs on every imaginable topic from business to government, surveys, sports, and scientific topics. Easy to use, exportable charts and data, recommended citations.
- Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowUnited States statistical handbook, published annually. Available 2013 to the present. For earlier dates, see Bureau of the Census (free site)
- Data Citation Index (1900 - current) (Clarivate) This link opens in a new windowCitations and abstracts to quality research data from sources around the world in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.
- Historical Statistics of the United States This link opens in a new windowA classic 2-volume reference work containing statistics about the United States has been updated and is now available online from Cambridge.
- Guide to Statistical Sources (from Statistical Abstract of the United States) (PDF)List of sources provided in Statistical Abstract - federal sources and both state and foreign statistical abstracts.
- Center on Budget and Policy PrioritiesFounded in 1981 to analyze federal budget priorities, with an emphasis on the impact of various budget choices on low-income Americans.Multimedia and research reports on climate change, social security, health, state budget and tax.
- Data.govPortal for U.S. government data. also provides links to Open Data sites in U.S. states and cities as well as international Open Data sites.
- Data USAData visualization for a wide range of public data with emphasis on employment end education across industries and geographies. Rich in demographic info, breaking down by state, county and city.
Selected Multidisciplinary Statistical and Data Resources - Intergovernmental/International
- EIU Viewpoint and Country Reports (Economist Intelligence Unit) This link opens in a new windowUse the Browse Data tool to create country-specific charts and tables on a number of variables. Although demographic data are available, the focus is on economic statistics.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowStatista provides significant coverage of nations and regions as well as selected cities. In addition to using the charts and tables, try the Country and Region Reports.
- International Monetary Fund Data pagesThis page provides access to both statistics and data collected and published by the IMF.
- OECD Data Explorer (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)OECD is a 38-country organization with member nations in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania. Select the categories of interest from the Data Explorer menu.
- UN DataThis site provides access to 35 UN databases, covering a broad range of data from crime to industry to demographics. Offers links to statistical portals of the world's nations.
- World Development IndicatorsWorld Development Indicators is self described as "World Bank’s premier compilation of cross-country comparable data on development." Build charts using selected variables, countries, and time periods.
Selected Multidisciplinary Statistical and Data Resources - State and Local
Most resources in this section relate to Massachusetts and the City of Boston, reflecting the inquiries we typically receive. Some of the sources noted below may be helpful in locating information about other states and municipalities.
Most federal agencies provide statistics by state. To find state demographic, agricultural, or educational statistics, check the website of the appropriate federal agency. Also, check individual state websites.
The Statista database also provides state profiles and other state-related statistics and tables., the federal government's main open data portal, provides access to state and local Open Data sites.
- MetroBoston Data CommonData by broad category (clean energy, education, etc.) plus community profiles.
- Open Data section of Data.govProvides a spreadsheet of state and local open data sites in the U.S.
- BARI (Boston Area Research Initiative)Joint initiative of Northeastern, Harvard, and the City of Boston. BARI's Boston Data Portal, includes the Boston Data Library and the Boston Area Research Map.
- Analyze BostonCity of Boston's Open Data Hub
- Massachusetts Data HubLinks to data and reports from a broad range of state agencies.
- Sage Data This link opens in a new windowSage Data is a collection of U.S. and international datasets sourced from governmental, commercial, and private organizations. Sage Data allows you to search and browse millions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized exportable charts and tables. Includes the Claritas Consumer Profiles dataset.
Research Tips
Statistical resources like Statista (Opens in new window) and Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (Opens in new window) will help you identify datasets for your research. Find tables, graphs, and charts which provide relevant statistics and check the source notes and footnotes associated with those materials.
Statista table on Amazon Deforestation which identifies the data source underlying the table.
Policy Commons (Opens in new window) captures the work of over 30,000 organizations, among them IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, university research centers, advocacy groups, governments, non-profits, etc. Use this resource to identify potential data producers, sources of statistics, etc. Search results may be sorted by a number of filters, including date.
Sample document found in Policy Commons with the search Vietnam NEAR "balance of payments"