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Sources of Business and Economics Data and Statistics
- Board of Governors, Federal Reserve SystemProvides links to the Federal Reserve Bulletin as well as a broad range of research and economic data.
- Bureau of Economic AnalysisProvides economic accounts data at the national, international, industrial, and regional level.
- Bureau of Labor StatisticsAn extensive site providing links to publications, databases, statistics, calculators, and economic releases.
- Department of CommerceSelect the Data and Reports link for a variety of resources.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (Serves the New England States)Select the Publications and Data Link.
- International Trade Administration (ITA)Select the Research Center.
- Securities and Exchange CommissionSelect the "We Do Data" area for statistics and datasets.
- Small Business Administration (SBA)The site offers extensive documentation on the "how-to's" of starting and financing a small business.
Selected Business and Economics Data and Statistics
- ALFRED (Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data)As described by the Federal Reserve, ALFRED "allows you to retrieve vintage version of economic data that were available on specific dates in history."
- FRASER (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research)FRASER provides scanned copies of historical economic statistical publications.
- FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data)Database of economic time series data, both domestic and international.
- EDGARCompany filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- BLS Databases, Tables, and Calculators by Subject (Bureau of Labor Statistics)Includes materials on employment, unemployment, prices and inflation, productivity, and pay and benefits, and workplace injuries. Also international comparative data.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis Interactive Data TablesLegacy data tables also available at the same site.
- International Monetary Fund Data pagesThis page provides access to both statistics and data collected and published by the IMF.
Selected Business and Economics Publications
- Economic Report of the President, 1947 to presentAvailable through FRASER, the Federal Reserve Archive.
- Economic Report of the President, 1995 to presentAvailable through GovInfo, the Government Publishing Office permanent archive.
- Economic Indicators, April 1995 to present (GovInfo)Earlier editions of this publication are available through the FRASER system of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
- Monthly Labor Review onlineIncludes articles as well as current labor statistics and historical data.
- Occupational Outlook HandbookStandard work for exploring occupations and their characteristics and training requirements.
- Survey of Current BusinessArticles and data.
Selected Intergovernment/International Business and Economic Sites
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)Select the Data tab for access to both Data and Statistics. Some of the better known IMF publications include International Financial Statistics and Government Finance Statistics.
- OECD Data Explorer (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)OECD is a 38-country organization with member nations in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania. Select the categories of interest from the Data Explorer menu.