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Sources for Demographic Statistics and Data
Sources for Demographic Statistics and Data
- UNdata ExplorerThe Population category covers demographic statistics, fertility data, marriage statistics, contraceptive use, and world population prospects.
- Annie E. Casey Foundation: Helping vulnerable kids & families succeedHome to the Kids Count Data Center and other statistical measures of child wellbeing.
- Human Rights Data Analysis GroupStatisticians for human rights--we show statistics have human consequences.
- World Bank Open Data CatalogSee especially the World Development Indicators.
- Population Reference BureauThe Population Reference Bureau (PRB) provides both data and resource centers. PRB provides both domestic and international data indicators.
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)A 38-country organization with member countries in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania.
Selected Statistical Resources
- Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowUnited States statistical handbook, published annually. Available 2013 to the present. For earlier dates, see Bureau of the Census (free site)
- Historical Statistics of the United States This link opens in a new windowA classic 2-volume reference work containing statistics about the United States has been updated and is now available online from Cambridge.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowBrings together data and graphs on every imaginable topic from business to government, surveys, sports, and scientific topics. Easy to use, exportable charts and data, recommended citations.
Selected Demographic Statistics, Data, and Surveys
- Census Survey ExplorerCensus Bureau tool designed to help data seekers find relevant surveys and other resources. Search filters include: geography, frequency, topic, and subtopic.
- Data.Census.govPrimary site for exploring Census Bureau datasets.
- Current Population SurveySponsored by the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One of the primary sources for labor force statistics.
- AARP Public Policy Institute- State Data Center Data by state on Americans 50-plus: health, financial security, housing, caregiving and more.
- Resource Center for Minority Data RCMD is a recent initiative of ICPSR. The changing demographic composition has expanded the scope of the U.S. racial and ethnic mosaic.
- Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS)From the website: IPUMS provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. IPUMS integration and documentation makes it easy to study change, conduct comparative research, merge information across data types, and analyze individuals within family and community contexts. Data and services available free of charge.
- American Housing SurveySponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and conducted by the Census Bureau. The AHS is a longitudinal housing unit survey conducted biennially in odd-numbered years, with samples redrawn in 1985 and 2015.
- Household Pulse Survey (Census Bureau)The survey is subtitled "Measuring Emergent Social and Economic Matters Facing U.S. Households." The purpose is to gather and disseminate information quickly to support public policy making.
- UNdata ExplorerThe Population category covers demographic statistics, fertility data, marriage statistics, contraceptive use, and world population prospects.
- OECD Data Explorer (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)OECD is a 38-country organization with member nations in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania. Select the appropriate categories from the Data Explorer menu.
- World Bank Open Data CatalogSee especially the World Development Indicators.