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Sources of Crime and Justice Data and Statistics
Selected Crime and Justice Statistics, Data, and Surveys
Sources of Crime and Justice Data and Statistics
- Bureau of Justice StatisticsAll statistics and data are organized by broad topic, for example, Forensic Sciences and Victims of Crime.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)See the links to the Crime Data Explorer and the historical Uniform Crime Reports.
- Executive Office of Public Safety and Security - Commonwealth of MassachusettsThis site provides access to a broad range of materials including crime statistics, publications, and reports from task forces of hate crimes and body cameras.
- Boston Police DepartmentMore information is available through Analyze Boston (link provided below).
Selected Crime and Justice Statistics, Data, and Surveys
- START (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism)Check the Data & Tools and Publications links on the site.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)Associated with ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research). NU is a member.
- Mass Killings DatabaseUSA Today and Northeastern University
- United States Courts Statistics and ReportsStatistics from the Federal Judiciary, including district, appellate, and bankruptcy courts.
- SCOTUSblog Statistics from previous October TermsAvailable from October Term 1995 through October Term 2022.
- National Center for State Courts Data PagesIncludes links to the Court Statistics Project as well as the Data Dives series which helps individual courts analyze and publicize their work.
- Analyze Boston Public Safety DatasetsAnalyze Boston contains six public safety related databases including detailed crime incident reports from 2012 to present (legacy and current series).
- Boston Police Department, Crime Statistics, Part 1Varied dates - Begins with contemporary crime data then provides data for earlier years. Part 1 offenses are covered. These include the more serious and violent crimes - shootings, etc. See also Analyze Boston.
- Crime Data ExplorerFrom the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Includes the Law Enforcement Explorer, Special Reports, and Documents and Downloads, for example NIBRS and UCR data.
- How We Can Help You Pages (FBI-UCR)This page describes the crime and law enforcement data and statistics collected and published by the FBI through a variety of programs. It provides links to historical Uniform Crime Reports, hate crime reports, law enforcement officers killed, etc.
- Uniform Crime Reports (1995 - 2019)Data, statistics, and reports originally published through the UCR (Uniform Crime Reports) have been superseded by the Crime Data Explorer. This page provides access to the historical UCR.
- Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowUnited States statistical handbook, published annually. Available 2013 to the present. For earlier dates, see Bureau of the Census (free site)
- Historical Statistics of the United States This link opens in a new windowA classic 2-volume reference work containing statistics about the United States has been updated and is now available online from Cambridge.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics SurveysLinks to a variety of BJS surveys, including the National Crime Victimization Survey and the National Prisoner Statistics. Some surveys are current and ongoing while others are conducted as funding is available.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowBrings together data and graphs on every imaginable topic from business to government, surveys, sports, and scientific topics. Easy to use, exportable charts and data, recommended citations.