Library Floor Maps

Snell Lower Level

The lower (basement) level of the library is split into two sections. The classrooms are not accessible via the library side and vice versa.

The entrance to the Snell Library Basement Classrooms (SL 001 – 049) can be found on the front patio outside of the Snell Library main entrance. Unlike most other Snell Library locations classrooms are not accessible inside the library proper.


Snell 1st Floor
The 1st floor of the library, like the lower level, is split between a classroom space and a library space.
If someone is looking for Snell Library Classrooms (SL 107-125), then they should exit back into the foyer and turn left.

However, if someone is seeking general library access, they need only to use the Snell Library main entrance; accessible up the stairs from the Egan quad.
Walk-in research help is available Monday through Friday, 11 AM - 3 PM at the left end of Help & Information Desk on the ITS side.


This is the new help desk for ITS where patrons should take hardware questions, repair requests, and other ITS questions that are not about checking out AV materials.

Snell 2nd Floor


Snell 3rd Floor


Snell 4th Floor


Work Room Map