General Policies

Husky ID

  • You MUST always have your Husky ID on you during your shift.
  • To enter the library, you MUST have a current valid Northeastern Husky Card (no sign-ins will be permitted). 
  • You will also need your card to tap access into all staff areas, which includes our office. 


  • Please be prepared to start your shift exactly at the start time. If you are going to be late send a message to Ashley in the Stacks Assistants chat on Microsoft Teams to let me know when you expect to arrive. Repeated lateness is cause for disciplinary action.
  • Please make sure to pay attention to your schedule (and your preferences!) when requesting shifts. If there are problems with your schedule, let Ashley know as soon as possible.
  • All Northeastern student workers can work up to 20 hours a week across all campus jobs while enrolled in classes or on co-op. When classes are not in session, students can work up to 40 hours a week. Work-study students can work based on their award amount. 


  • Always inform Ashley (or Erin) as soon as you know you will need time off.
  • Always e-mail or post in the Stack Assistants Team Chat if you can’t come in. 

Cell Phones

  • Please keep all personal phone use during work hours to a minimum.
  • No personal calls, no video watching, no texting., while on shift.
  • Usage of any portable media devices (smart phones, iPods, etc.) while you work is allowed only for listening to music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc.  Please use your headphones.

Dress Code

  • No clothes that are inappropriate for public use, such as pajamas or sweatpants.
  • Nothing vulgar such as racist or sexist language or symbols.
  • Shoes must always be worn. Make sure they are comfortable since you will be on your feet.
  • No billed hats or sunglasses would block your vision.
  • If you need sunglasses for a medical issue, talk to your supervisor beforehand.


  • No food is allowed in the stacks area. Only during break (if applicable) in the work room.
  • Drinks (non-alcoholic) are allowed only if covered. No open containers.


  • You get a break if you work a 3-hour or longer shift and acquire 5 minutes of break time for every hour you work during that shift.  If you work a 3-hour shift, then you have a 15-minute break.  If you work a 2-hour shift, then you do not have a break.
  • When you go on your break, please make a note in your Team’s chat (your “timesheet” of the day).  When you come back from your break, please make a note in your Team’s chat.  (EXAMPLE: “I am going on my break.”  “I am back from my break.”)
  • Break time does not roll over and cannot be used to arrive or leave early for your shift. 
  • If you go on a break during a stack search, then never leave your truck downstairs while you are on your break.  Bring it down with you when you tell your supervisor.