On this page

This is a page of sources that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. Some, as in the case of several books, address issues around inequity.

Links are provided to readings; articles and books; podcasts and videos. The two articles included here discuss the issues of racism in healthcare.

Institutes and Organizations at Northeastern

Northeastern University has several groups and initiatives.

  • For groups and support at Northeastern, please click here to view the Support page on our Anti-Racism Guide.

Articles and Web Resources

Below are a selection of articles and web resources related to anti-racism and supporting diversity in the health sciences. It is not meant to be comprehensive. For more research articles, try searching within the library's databases related to your discipline. You can also try some of the suggested databases on the Anti-Racism Guide.


Below are a selection of podcast episodes, series, and seasons relevant to racism in the health sciences. This is not a comprehensive list. For more resources, please visit our Anti-Racism Research Subject Guide.