On this page

This page covers policy related resources. Healthcare has many levels where policy plays a role. It can be local, regional or national. There are a few sources highlighted here. If you have any recommendations for this page, please let me know.

During early 2025 the U.S. President office has restricted funding from NIH and other federal sources. There are legal challenges to many of the challenges regarding reduction of staffing and research support. Several sites are monitoring these activities and challenges.

Health Policy Sources

These resources, some subscription based, some free contain information related to policies across a variety of topics and organizations.

When possible, used advanced search strategies, learn about the features and categorizations in the database.

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Health Care Reform

The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress and then signed into law by the President on March 23, 2010.
On June 28, 2012 the Supreme Court rendered a final decision to uphold the health care law.

Public Health Law Sites

Use these databases to search for specific legislation and laws. View tutorials or ask a librarian for help if you need additional search help.

  • HeinOnline contains many databases within it. Click to the right of the search box to view and select what fits your inquiry best.
  • WestLaw defaults the search Federal United States. Choose specifics from the boxes displayed below.