On this page

This page is dedicated to citations. In most writing there is a required format. Tools can help you to organize and cite in your papers. Information for citation styles and reference managers (EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley) are included here.

Manuals and websites

If you're not sure which citation format to use, please check with your instructor. The usual styles used in the Health Sciences are APA and AMA but journals sometimes require others. For Physical Therapy, AMA is suggested for assignments. The library has the full manual online.

AMA in Reference List

Characteristics of AMA citations.

  • Citations are numbered by the order they are used in the paper.
  • First name of authors is represented with initials only.
  • Journal names are abbreviated and italicized.
  • The title of the article is in sentence case (First letter of first word in sentence is the only one capitalized unless following a colon or a proper name. 
  • Year comes after journal, followed by volume, (issue) and page numbers and doi (if available).

Adding citations to a citation/reference manager

  • When in a database and saving articles, look for the button to "download", "save" or "export" your citations. This may be called something like "Bibliographic Citation Manager.
  • Save and sort all of your citations in folders with identifying labels.
  • You can manually add other citations you may have directly into a citation manager.
  • You can select citations to create a bibliography and have it formatted automatically in the style of your choice.
    • You can easily enter in-text citations as you type your paper using the Word addon/plugin provided by the program.
      • Note: You have to either download or connect this to your word program first.
    • Share your citations and bibliographies easily with the share options.