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Architecture, Architectural History, Art, and Design Databases

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Accessing Full-text Articles in Avery Index

Search by keyword or phrase in the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Click on an article record in your search results to open the Details page. Click on the "Check for full text" button in the top right corner. This will run a check for that article in the library's holdings and subscriptions. You will be led to: 1. A Scholar OneSearch record with a link to access the article online; 2. A Scholar OneSearch record for the print periodical which published the article. Use the citation information (year of publication, volume and issue number, and page number, etc.) to find the article in the print periodical.; or 3. A Scholar OneSearch record saying that the Northeastern University Library does not have direct access to the online or print article. You will need to request it from another library via interlibrary loan.

Screenshot highlighting the Check for Full Text button in the top right of an article's record

Search Strategies

Not Sure if it's Peer-Reviewed?

Screenshot showing the search box of Ulrichs Web, where you enter the title of the journal

Screenshot showing the referee icon to the left of the journal title

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find an article or book on our collections? Request it through Interlibrary Loan and we'll try to borrow it from another library on your behalf. Learn more about Interlibrary Loan.

Research Tutorials

Need some quick help? Check out our library tutorials to get started with your research project, search more effectively, or evaluate the sources you find.