.Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) premier resource on career guidance to hundreds of occupations and it is available for free

Check Northeastern Employer Engagement and Career Design
The Job Search page covers the process beginning with Resumes, Cover Letters and CVs to Negotiating Salary and Job Offers.
- Find resume and cover letter examples using Scholar OneSearch

- Get information about your company to customize your cover letter--
Business Source Complete is a good place to start. NOTE: Use the CO (company) search option to narrow your results to information ABOUT a company:

Check specialized research tutorials to finding more company information, such as
Public vs. private companies
Finding information on private companies
- AVON: Academic Video Online includes short videos---some less than three minutes for job hunting. Search "cover letter" (with quotation marks) to find videos, such as How to Craft a Cover letter
or the importance of internships, a.k.a. co-op at Northeastern

Links to the above videos:
Hans Pfister Discusses Value of Internships (1:10 minutes)
Alissa Livingston States Internships are Critical (1:10 minutes)
Ken Saji Shares Views on Value of Internships (1:07 minutes)
Make a good first impression by preparing your elevator pitch. Here are some tips from a 3-minute video:. You may be asked to authenticate with your Northeastern credentials to see the video.
The Elevator Pitch (3 minutes)
Sign up through the library for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) for news and added-value information, such as the "job Hunt"