
This page serves as an introduction to resources on Religion and Spirituality. 

The Northeastern University community members observe a wide range of sacred season and holy days. Northeastern University Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service keeps a list of of dates observed on campus or places of worship in the Greater Boston Area. 

For in-depth resources and information on specific subjects and how to access print and electronic library resources please visit the research subject guides. 



These tabs offer a small selection of resources on religion and spirituality. For more recommendations see this list of more resources or explore the Snell Library website

Explore these databases to find articles and other resources: 

webpage for Pew Research Center: Religion and Public Life with links to resources


Access the Pew Research Center Religion & Public Life resource or click the graphic above.

The Publications link includes Pew Research Center survey reports, demographic studies and data-driven analysis.

  • On Being by Krista Tippett  - On Being explore the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, community, poetry, and the arts. 

Looking for a topic? 

Consider one of these:

  • Islam and Islamohobia
  • Separation of church and state
  • Religion and social change
  • Religious freedom vs. freedom from discrimination


Northeastern Resources

We invite you to explore different organizations available at Northeastern University and in our surrounding communities: 

Links to Northeastern University programs:

Northeastern Organizations: 

Northeastern University's Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service attends to the spiritual needs of the Northeastern community. The Center builds partnerships across university departments and disciplines—and with religious communities and public service agencies locally, nationally, and internationally—to help students become engaged citizens, peace builders, and leaders equipped to tackle pressing global problems.

The Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service serves a vibrant and diverse community of religious, spiritual, and related groups. You can view the complete directory of student groups to learn how to become a part of these vibrant communities.