Science Journals
Please consult the individual science subject guides for a listing of journal databases important for the discipline.
The following are journal databases covering all science disciplines.
- Cambridge Core This link opens in a new windowThough humanities and social sciences are included, many science journals from Cambridge University Press are as well.
- Google Scholar @ Northeastern This link opens in a new windowUseful for up-to-date article searching, forward citation, including articles and some books and e-books. Links to Northeastern full text View our tutorial to learn more.
- Public Library of Science (PLoS) This link opens in a new windowPLoS is an independent foundation that publishes, and makes freely available, peer-reviewed journals in the biomedical sciences.
- Science Magazine This link opens in a new windowOriginal scientific research, global news, and commentary.
- ScienceDirect Books and Journals (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowAccess to Elsevier ebooks and select scholarly journals covering biomedical science and medicine, pharmacology, neuroscience, psychology, social sciences and more.
- Web of Science, Core Collection 1975-present This link opens in a new windowUse for citation tracking, finding seminal literature, data visualizations, author alerts, institutional affiliations, and impact factors. LInks to full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowSelected journals from Wiley available in full text, across the sciences.
To find out whether Snell Library has a particular journal, please use the ejournal finder within Scholar One Search, the library's discovery tool. A title search by the name of the journal (not article title) will retrieve records for both print and electronic journals, with links to the journal for the latter.
To request a copy of a journal article that the library doesn't have, please use the ILLiad request form. Most often, an electronic copy of the article is emailed to you within 2-4 days.
Citation management tools
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