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Selected Professional Organizations
Selected Non-Profit Organizations
Selected Massachusetts and Boston Area Organizations
Selected Professional Organizations
Selected Non-Profit Organizations
- Guidestar Pro (Candid) This link opens in a new windowInformation about United States nonprofits including charities, schools, religious institutions, and nonprofit trade associations. Guidestar shows finances from IRS Form 990 tax filings, as well as missions, programs, activities, board members and executives. Useful for academic, employment/co-op, and advocacy research, as well as for identifying funding sources.
Selected Massachusetts and Boston Area Organizations
The MassTrac database provides access to papers and reports from a variety of Massachusetts public policy organizations. See the illustrations below.
Find Public Policy Organizations
The resources below provide access to "grey literature," materials which can be difficult to locate because they're not always available through traditional publication and distribution channels. Grey literature is often produced by IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, advocacy groups, nonprofits, and university research centers.
Policy Commons is the more comprehensive of the sources (25,000+ organizations) while PolicyFile offers a unique database filter which sorts search results by organization political leaning.
- Policy Commons This link opens in a new windowReports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 25,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers.
- Policy File (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowU.S. foreign and domestic policy papers and gray literature, PolicyFile is updated weekly with abstracts and links to the latest reports, papers, and documents from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies.
Selected National Public Policy Associations
- Council of State GovernmentsIncludes links to Capitol Ideas Magazine and The Book of the States. The site provides access to the annual Book of the States volumes from 1982 through 2021 and "a year-round digital resource featuring state-by-state comparisons." (quote from CSG site).
- National Governors AssociationIncludes links to best practices, projects, publications, and program and issue areas.
- National Center for State CourtsLinks to a broad range of resources, including the Court Statistics Project, policy areas, and access to justice materials.
- National Conference of State LegislaturesLinks to an extensive list of research and policy issues.
Need more help?
Please contact Roxanne Palmatier, librarian for the Policy School, Boston, Arlington, and Online or Lawral Wornek, librarian for Oakland.