Explore Grants and Publishing
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Grant Opportunities
- Pivot (Formerly COS Funding Opportunities) This link opens in a new windowA database of grants and other funding opportunities including federal U.S. government, private foundations, corporate and international funding opportunities all in one easy to search tool. Includes pre-populated scholar profiles. This resource requires logging in with your Northeastern credentials to create a Pivot account.
- Foundation Directory Professional (Candid) This link opens in a new windowInformation about foundations and grantmaking institutions worldwide, with data about their grants and grant recipients. Useful for academic research on philanthropy as well as for identifying funding sources.
- Tutorial:Training video from Candid (Opens in new window) on YouTube
Resources for Publishing
- How Do I Know Where to Publish?Twenty minute webinar created by Snell Library staff.
- Open Access Publishing PageLists open access agreements/support available to members of the Northeastern community.
- Cabell's Predatory Reports This link opens in a new windowThis database identifies deceptive and fraudulent journals. Specialists identify and analyze over 65 behavioral indicators to flag potentially exploitative or dishonest operations.
- Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate) This link opens in a new windowJCR is a widely used source of citation data, used to compare and evaluate scholarly journals. For example, the most well-known indicator in the JCR is the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). This measure provides a ratio of citations to a journal in a given year to the citable items in the prior two years. Journal Citation Reports can show you the:
Most frequently cited journals in a field
Highest impact journals in a field
Largest journals in a field
Includes virtually all areas of science, technology, and social sciences. Covers 1997-present.
Need more help?
Please contact Roxanne Palmatier, librarian for the Policy School, Boston, Arlington, and Online or Lawral Wornek, librarian for Oakland.