On this page

This is a page of sources that focus on disparity topics. Some, as in the case of several books, address issues around inequity.

There are a few resources included but there are many more to discover. There are many podcasts and videos, articles and books on our library guide dedicated to this topic . A few select articles and books included here discuss the issues of racism in healthcare as well as highlighting STEM disparities.

Just a few articles regarding racism in health

Included here are just a few articles worth reading. If you are interested in finding more, there is an entire library guide dedicated to DEI resources. Find the link in the See also section in the left hand of this page. .

Web Resources-racial bias

Below are a selection of articles and web resources related to anti-racism and diversity in STEM. It is not meant to be comprehensive as it would be impossible to keep up.

For more research articles, try searching within the library's databases related to your discipline.

Disability related