Finding Dissertations Online

Information about submitting dissertations and theses online is available at the University Archives website.

How do I find dissertations on my topic?

Northeastern University dissertations online are searchable at Dissertations and Theses at NU.

To search for dissertations from Mills College or institutions beyond Northeastern University, use Proquest Dissertations and Theses, Global (PQDT).



How do I find dissertations that use my framework or methodology?

Unfortunately, there is no way to limit your search for dissertations just by your framework or methodology. Instead, try searching for your topic within the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database and adding a search term related to your framework (ex. "critical race theory") or your methods (ex. "case study"). While you will may still retrieve some results that do not use the theory as their framework or the research method, it will help to narrow your results and retrieve dissertations that do use that framework or method. 



How do I find dissertations supervised by my advisor/chair?

To limit your search to just dissertations supervised by your advisor/chair, go to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.

About halfway down the page, look for the Advisor box and click on the Look up Advisors link and search for your advisor/chair by last name. You might see multiple spellings of his/her name. Check the box next to all that apply and click Add to Search

In the University/Institution box, click on the Look up Universities/Institutions link and search for Northeastern University or Mills College (for Oakland dissertations). Check the box next to Northeastern University or Mills College and click Add to Search.

Click Search. This will search for any dissertations that your advisor supervised at Northeastern or Mills College. If you don't find any results, it's possible that your advisor has not yet supervised any dissertations at Northeastern or Mills College, or might have changed their last name.