Anti-racism resources

Many students have expressed interest in researching topics related to anti-racism in Education. This page was designed to help students navigate the research resources available on this topic. 

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Keeping up with the conversation

There are a few different ways you can keep up with the academic conversation around race, racism, and anti-racist pedagogy in education. Check out the PDF walkthrough below to set up search, publication, and citation alerts for topics and conversations of interest. 

Search alerts:

You can set up search alerts to notify you when new articles matching your search terms are published or added to a database. You can create multiple search alerts and can set up alerts across various databases.

Publication alerts:

You can set up publication alerts to notify you when new journal issues are published, which can be a useful way of following the conversation for journals focused on race, diversity, and equity in education.

Citation alerts:

Citation alerts will notify you when a new publication cites a document of interest. Citation alerts are useful for allowing you to track the ongoing conversation related to a particular source and to see how it evolves over time.