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Check out a couple of these quick videos designed to hone your search skills and speed up the research process!!  No time for a video?  Take a look at the one of our slide presentations

Check out a couple of these quick videos designed to hone your search skills and speed up the research process!! 

No time for a video?  Take a look at one of our slide presentations.

Select one or more of these resources to find articles in criminology, criminal justice, and law enforcement.

Use these resources to add a disciplinary perspective different from that of criminology and criminal justice. For example, you might use these tools to investigate the psychological aspects of crime, financial crime, prison privatization, prisoner education, or technology for law enforcement.

Ask about additional search tools that may help!

Below you'll find links to both contemporary and historical newspapers and newsletters.  PressReader is a great resource for anyone planning to travel or study abroad!  It provides newspapers and magazines from over 60 countries, many in their original languages (translation of some titles available).

Try these few basic tips and tricks to improve search results.  For additional help, check out our Top Ten Search Tips!

  • Don't limit search results to full-text articles only!  Use the library branded "check for full-text" linksIf the article you need is not available at NU, you'll be directed to our ILLIAD interlibrary loan service to request electronic delivery of the article text.
  • Where available and appropriate, do limit searches to retrieve only peer-reviewed articles.
  • Put several similar terms together to increase search results, using the connector "or"...death penalty or capital punishment; guns or firearms.
  • Use additional terms to reduce search results; use the connector "and" mass incarceration and drugs or human trafficking and prevention.
  • Too many results?  Try placing "quotation marks" around phrases. Many search engines, look for the individual words as well as the phrases; these search engines include Scholar OneSearch, Google Scholar, JSTOR, and Social Science Premium among others.
  • Use truncation (usually *) to retrieve different word endings  global* = global, globally, globalize, globalization, etc.



Browse Criminology/Criminal Justice Journals

Need more help?

Please e-mail Roxanne Palmatier, library contact for Criminal Justice.