Using Scholar OneSearch
To find books or e-books, you'll want to use Scholar OneSearch - the Northeastern Library Catalog.
Once you've searched for the topic you're interested in, Scholar OneSearch will return a list of as many materials as possible related to your topic. This will include books and e-books, as well as some articles, videos, dissertations, and more.
The easiest way to search Scholar OneSearch is to limit your search to a particular material type, such as books or e-books. To do this, use the filter on the left hand side of the screen to select the material type(s) you're interested in and click 'Apply'. You can also exclude material types from your search by hovering over the material type and clicking the red check box on the right hand side of the material type.
Tips for using Scholar OneSearch
- Try using the advanced search to specify a subject and author you are interested in at the same time.
- Sign in to Scholar OneSearch to see additional results. Some databases, such as Web of Science, won't allow their results to populate Scholar OneSearch for anyone who is not signed in.
- Use the filters on the left hand side of the search results page. Some of the most popular filters are material type (to limit to a specific type of research such as an e-book or e-journal), author/creator (to see who is prominently publishing in the field), and year (to limit to research in a particular time period).
If we don't have access to what you need...
Try using Northeastern's Interlibrary Loan system to request books, book chapters, or articles not available at NU. Articles can be delivered electronically.
Featured Reference Sources
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 102nd edition by
ISBN: 0367712601Publication Date: 2021A vast almanac of facts, tables, and statistics about mathematics and the physical world. It is one of the most used handbooks in the sciences.Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery, and Development, Set by
ISBN: 9780470278154Publication Date: 2010-10-19This online version of the 7th Edition of the major reference work, offering access to broad coverage of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery for new, as well as experienced, medicinal chemists, biologists, pharmacologists, and molecular biologists.Encyclopedia of Geochemistry by
ISBN: 9783319393124Publication Date: 2018-07-17The Encyclopedia covers ifferent aspects of geochemistry including geochemical thermodynamics and kinetics, isotope and organic geochemistry, meteorites and cosmochemistry, the carbon cycle and climate, trace elements, geochemistry of high and low temperature processes, ore deposition, and more.Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (EROS) by
ISBN: 9780470842898Publication Date: 2001-04-30This essential reference contains an authoritative and systematic description of the use of all reagents in organic chemistry.Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology by
ISBN: 9780471238966Publication Date: 2001-01-26Presenting a wide scope of articles on chemical substances, properties, manufacturing, and uses; on industrial processes, unit operations in chemical engineering; and on fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. The Encyclopedia describes established technology along with cutting edge topics of interest in the wide field of chemical technology.Reagent Chemicals, 11th edition by
ISBN: 9780841230453Publication Date: 2016-01-29The American Chemical Society (ACS) Committee on Analytical Reagents sets the specifications for most chemicals used in analytical testing. Currently, the ACS is the only organization in the world that sets requirements and develops validated methods for determining the purity of reagent chemicals. These specifications have also become the de facto standards for chemicals used in many high-purity applications.Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Chemistry by
ISBN: 9780471740032Publication Date: 2005-07-14Scientists, engineers, and technologists in many fields need a knowledge of chemistry because of the importance of chemistry in diverse technologies. In addition, to "classical" topics of chemistry, the new Encyclopedia covers nanotechnology, fuel cell technology, green chemistry, forensic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, materials chemistry, and proteomics. This fifth print edition has been revised and updated, and includes over 200 new articles, as well as 1,300 updated articles.
Book Series
Methods in Enzymology (opens in new window)
Advances in Applied Microbiology (opens in new window)
Advances in Catalysis (opens in new window)
Advances in Genetics (opens in new window)
Advances in Microbial Physiology (opens in new window)
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry (opens in new window)
Advances in Parasitology (opens in new window)
Advances in Quantum Chemistry (opens in new window)
The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology (opens in new window)
Current Topics in Developmental Biology (opens in new window)
Interlibrary Loan
Can't find an article or book on our collections? Request it through Interlibrary Loan and we'll try to borrow it from another library on your behalf. Learn more about Interlibrary Loan.
- ILLiad log-in (Opens in new window)Need a book, book chapter, or article not available at Northeastern? Current US-based Northeastern faculty, staff, and students can request materials that aren't available at the Northeastern University Library through ILLiad, our interlibrary loan software.