Finding articles for biomedical, pharmaceutical and health related topics
- Biosis Previews This link opens in a new windowAn expansive index to life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more. Includes scholarly articles, books and book chapters, meetings and conferences, patents . 1969-present, updated weekly.
- CINAHL Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowCitations and abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information for thousands of publications. Covers nursing and 17 allied health disciplines, going as far back as 1937. Links to PDFs or full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
- Engineering Village This link opens in a new windowCombines the citations and full text links of Compendex and Inspec with full text books from Knovel, for a more comprehensive search on computer science and engineering topics.
- MEDLINE (Web of Science/Clarivate) This link opens in a new windowMedline is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's flagship database of articles in medicine, with coverage of the most authoritative peer-reviewed biomedical and health sciences research journals. Links to full text.
- PubMed (NU customized) This link opens in a new windowA comprehensive source of journal literature in the life sciences and biomedicine from the National Library of Medicine. Includes selected full text from PubMed Central, and NCBI Bookshelf. PubMed is a free web resource, however this version contains links to Northeastern-subscribed journals that require a login.
- ScienceDirect Books and Journals (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowAccess to Elsevier ebooks and select scholarly journals covering biomedical science and medicine, pharmacology, neuroscience, psychology, social sciences and more.
- Web of Science, Core Collection 1975-present This link opens in a new windowUse for citation tracking, finding seminal literature, data visualizations, author alerts, institutional affiliations, and impact factors. LInks to full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
To search for books in Northeastern go to Scholar OneSearch, the Library catalog [] and select "Library Catalogs" only.
Biological Drug Products by Tested and proven solutions to the challenges of biological drug product development Biological drug products play a central role in combating human diseases; however, developing new successful biological drugs presents many challenges, including labor intensive production processes, tighter regulatory controls, and increased market competition. This book reviews the current state of the science, offering readers a single resource that sets forth the fundamentals as well as tested and proven development strategies for biological drugs. Moreover, the book prepares readers for the challenges that typically arise during drug development, offering straightforward solutions to improve their ability to pass through all the regulatory hurdles and deliver new drug products to the market. "Biological Drug Products" begins with general considerations for the development of any biological drug product and then explores the strategies and challenges involved in the development of specific types of biologics. Divided into five parts, the book examines: Part 1: General Aspects Part 2: Proteins and Peptides Part 3: Vaccines Part 4: Novel Biologics Part 5: Product Administration/Delivery Each chapter has been prepared by one or more leading experts in biological drug development. Contributions are based on a comprehensive review and analysis of the current literature as well as the authors' first-hand experience developing and testing new drugs. References at the end of each chapter serve as a gateway to original research papers and reviews in the field. By incorporating lessons learned and future directions for research, "Biological Drug Products" enables pharmaceutical scientists and students to improve their success rate in developing new biologics to treat a broad range of human diseases.
Call Number: Online AccessISBN: 1118695038Publication Date: 2013-09-10
- EspacenetThis European Patent Office (EPO) database has international coverage and includes an excellent Cooperative Patent Classifcation (CPC) search tool. Translations available to multiple languages.
- LensThis free and open database of international patents has a modern, easy to use search interface and offers some unique patent searching tools, including gene sequence searching and patent citation analysis so that you can easily find related patents and other scholarly works.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)USPTO provides General Information Concerning Patents and Basic Facts about Trademarks for researchers, inventors, and business people. Printable Patent and Trademark application forms are also available. Search the Patent Databases, and the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).
- Google Patent Search - covers patents made available by the USPTO from the 1790s to the middle of 2006. Search the full text of U.S. patents; use Advanced Patent Search to search by various criteria including patent number, inventor, and filing date. Does not include patent applications, international patents, or U.S. patents issued over the last few months. Patents can be downloaded as PDF. For search tips, check out this Google Patent Search tutorial (video link).
Drug information
- AccessPharmacy (McGraw Hill Medical) This link opens in a new windowA comprehensive online reference with materials for pharmaceutical education, from McGraw-Hill. Some resources such as flash cards may require an individual McGraw Access account. Please register here then return to this page and use the above link for access.
- What this includes: Textbooks, cases, study guides, herb supplement and drug references
- Facts and Comparisons Clinical eAnswersContains authoritative and comprehensive drug information with unbiased, reliable information. In addition to descriptions, generic and commercial names, dosage, warnings, it includes a drug/disease indications database, dosage, body measurement, and general pharmacology calculators, patient handouts, and more.
- International Pharmaceutical Abstracts(licensed resource for current students, faculty, and staff)
Note: Provided courtesy of the NU Department of Pharmacy Practice
A comprehensive index to worldwide pharmaceutical literature, with abstracts from over 750 health journals, major pharmacy meetings, and all U.S. state pharmacy journals. Covers biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics, new drug delivery systems, pharmacist liability, and legal, political, and ethical issues - LexicompDrug reference information from Wolters Kluwer
- MicromedexEvidence based information about drugs, toxicology, diseases, acute care, and alternative medicine to to support informed research on clinical and treatment decisions.
- PDR Health Physician's Desk ReferencePrescriber's Digital Reference. Includes drug reference information and drug communications, including drug alerts, recalls and approvals.
- Red Book OnlineFor drug pricing information, not to be confused with Red Book report on infectious diseases). Find it in Micromedex under OTHER TOOLS.
- U.S.Food and Drug Administration-DrugsIncludes drug approvals, drug safety & availability, development & approval process, guidance, compliance & regulatory information, news, science & research.
- CDC-Centers for Disease Control and PreventionDisease prevention and control. environmental health, health promotion and education activities, national health statistics.
- Healthdata.govTools and statistics for the United States
- SciFinder-nProvides searching of Chemical Abstracts , 1907- present. Registration is required. Search journal articles from Chemical Abstracts and Medline, the CAS Registry, chemical reactions, predicted and experimental properties, synthetic preparations, and patents.
Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals - Industry information - Search by drug trade name or Company name
- FitchConnectInternational coverage; Useful for up-to-the-minute global, regional, or country-based industry forecasts and trends analysis.
- Marketline AdvanageProvides company, industry, country and financial data for every major marketplace in the world. Includes company SWOTs, company overviews, industry profiles, case studies, financial deals, country analysis, news and a statistics database covering 215 countries and 46 political and geographic groupings. Search by drug trade name or company name.
- Net Advantage (Standard and Poors)Net Advantage (Standard and Poor's) Ready access to S&P Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Mutual Fund Reports, Bond Reports, Corporation Records, The Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, and The Outlook.