Why Cite and How Do I Cite?

Why cite? 

  • Citations acknowledge authorship or creation of a work. Cite when you use a direct quote from a work and when you paraphrase or summarize an idea in your own words.
  • Citations allow readers to locate the sources you used in the course of your research. They can then read and assess your conclusions as well as those of your sources.
  • Citations document your research process.

How do I cite? 

  • if you are writing for publication, check the author guidelines on a publisher's web page for the required style. For example, most journals provide detailed instructions for authors.\
  • If you are writing a paper or assignment, consult your instructor about the citation style required for a particular assignment or generally used by writers in your discipline.

Selected Resources:

Citation Styles and Citation Management Software

The Library supports EndNoteRefWorksMendeley, Zotero, and BibTeX citation management software. BibTeX and LaTeX are most commonly used in mathematics.

Citations and Bibliographies Guide - Visit this site to learn more about citation management software as well as different citation styles.

Meet with a citation management specialist.

Background information on Chicago/Turabian style;

  • Turabian is part of the Chicago style family and is frequently used by students.
  • The Chicago Manual is oriented toward researchers, professional writers, and graduate students, although it is used by students at all levels.
  • There are two forms of Chicago style: Notes/Bibliography and Author/Date
  • Notes/Bibliography uses footnotes and end notes and is most frequently used in the Humanities (literature, art, and history)
  • Author/Date style frequently uses in-text citations as opposed to notes and is generally used in the social sciences and sciences.

Slides 19 through 36 are most relevant for the average writing assignment. Links/materials used courtesy of the Purdue Writing Center.

Most major citation styles rely on The Bluebook for complex legal citations. Here are some online guides for your use.

Writing Assistance

For help with writing projects, consider a visit to Northeastern's Writing Center. Hours and services vary by term; please check the website for current information. Online consulting is also available (all appointments in EST).

The Purdue OWL is an excellent resource for all aspects of paper writing, including citation and bibliography.  The Site Map is a good place to begin.



Finding Dissertations

The video and the alternative PowerPoint slides below show you how to find dissertations: in general, written at NU, written in my program, supervised by my advisor, and written using a particular theoretical framework. 

Dissertation finding database links are provided below the video and slides.

Need more help?

Please e-mail Roxanne Palmatier, library contact for Economics, Boston and Online or Maura Hennessy, library contact for Economics, Oakland.