On this page

On this page you will find resources related to finding or using county and city/town level statistics. On this page are a few examples.

Many states now have publicly available data related to health and other collected data. Local communities may do the same. It varies considerably. Depending on the state, you might find webpages dedicated to county data. You may discover statistics in reports or on an organization's website. It is worth doing an internet search beyond what is listed here.

If you need help, please reach out to a librarian.

Community Health Needs Assessment

The CHNA is a requirement for tax-exempt hospitals to engage their servicing communities every three years and assess their health needs. Based on their findings an action plan is developed to work alongside community stakeholders in improving the health needs of the communities. You can search the web by location to find these reports.

County Level

City and Local levels

Find State Level Statistics

Use these tools to explore the state you are interested in.

Conducting a search on the web for the state you are interested in may find additional data.

Massachusetts Statistics

Boston Examples

Philadelphia Examples

Philadelphia provides examples of where you might find data and statistics. Look for sources that are open to the public, or public health department data.