Find Repositories
A few sources to explore
- Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data)Search for research datasets
Find Datasets-health/healthcare
- OurWorldinDataPoverty, disease, hunger, climate change, war, existential risks, and inequality: The world faces many great and terrifying problems at the same time. It is these large problems that our work at Our World in Data focuses on.
- Human Progress-User's GuideMany data sources compiled on topics such as cancer, death and mortality, and food consumption. All sources are transparent.
- 2021-2022 Racial Equity Dataset: A Searchable Collection of Laws Related to Racial EquityIn the wake of the renewed racial justice movement in 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, jurisdictions across the country enacted laws to address health disparities and advance racial equity – as well as laws that may impede these goals.
Available on the Web
Government and intergovernmental organizations have led the way in providing open access to data sets. A selection of these resources are listed below. As more research bodies begin to host data, this list will grow.
- Data.govProvides access to over 140,000 government datasets from 77 agencies and 319 publishers. Data may be manipulated through the many government- and citizen-created apps available on the site.
- Data Repositories"This is a list of repositories and databases for open data."
- Global Health Observatory Data Repository"The GHO data repository contains an extensive list of indicators, which can be selected by theme or through a multi-dimension query functionality. It is the World Health Organization's main health statistics repository."
- Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, United Nations"Presents current economic and social statistics for more than 200 countries and territories of the world. It contains 55 tables, comprising over 100 indicators, of monthly, quarterly and annual data on a variety of subjects illustrating important economic trends and developments."
- United Nations Data (UNData)access to 34 UN databases containing 60 million records, covering a broad range of data from crime to industry to demographics; population, education, labor-from a variety of global organizations.
- UNESCO Data CentreData on education, literacy, culture, communication, science, and technology.
- World Bank Open Data"Free and open access to data about development in countries around the globe"
- OpenFEMAFEMA’s data delivery platform which provides datasets to the public in open, industry standard, machine-readable formats.