On this page

This page contains sites available through the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that contain data. Not all are listed here but visiting the CDC main page will show all options.

On geographic impact:

CDC Data Portal and Raw Data

If you are looking for raw data there are few different areas of the CDC website to check in. 

CDC Data Portal

For raw data that can be shared publicly (i.e. it does not have sensitive private information) you can try the CDC data portal (link below). There are a number of preset categories displayed in boxes on the data portal’s homepage or you can click on ‘Browse all’ to search them all.

The results may include files like maps, stories, calendars and other things, so if you are only looking for datasets, select that option from the View Types filter on the left.

De-Identified Vital Statistics

Sensitive Raw Data

For raw data that may include sensitive information there are a few different sources. The CDC’s Research Data Center allows researchers to access restricted data through a mediated application process.


If you are not sure where to look for specific CDC statistics or want to browse the datasets available, start with CDC WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research) -link below.

CDC WONDER provides a menu of different databases under three tabs. The first tab, WONDER systems, highlights some databases things like AIDS data, birth and death data, environmental data, and population data. Under the second tab, Topics, you will find a long list of specific databases across a variety of health-related subjects. The third tab, A-Z index, provides an alphabetical list of databases.

WISQARS and other CDC Databases

In addition to WONDER, the CDC also operates other data portals for statistics, like WISQARS which allows users to query databases of specific data that are not covered by WONDER. WISQARS provides data on injuries in the US, broken up by fatal and nonfatal injuries, and the cost of injuries. There are additional subcategories, for instance Fatal Injuries has a separate portal for violent fatal injuries.

There are other portals than WISQARS, examples below.

Example Topic Pages

Drug Prevention and Overdose CDC resources