- Guidestar Pro (Candid) This link opens in a new windowInformation about United States nonprofits including charities, schools, religious institutions, and nonprofit trade associations. Guidestar shows finances from IRS Form 990 tax filings, as well as missions, programs, activities, board members and executives. Useful for academic, employment/co-op, and advocacy research, as well as for identifying funding sources.
- Foundation Directory Professional (Candid) This link opens in a new windowInformation about foundations and grantmaking institutions worldwide, with data about their grants and grant recipients. Useful for academic research on philanthropy as well as for identifying funding sources.
- Tutorial:Training video from Candid (Opens in new window) on YouTube
Find Articles
- Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowScholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information, the majority in full text. Some video.
- ABI/Inform (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowProfessional and scholarly business and economics articles and reports. Business news and company, market, and brand information.
- Catalog of Nonprofit LiteratureA searchable database of the literature of philanthropy. It incorporates the unique contents of the Foundation Center's five libraries and contains approximately 28,000 full bibliographic citations, of which nearly 20,000 have descriptive abstracts.
Web Resources
- National Center for Charitable StatisticsProvides multiple resources for locating statistics on nonprofits and charitable organizations.
- Charity NavigatorEvaluations of the financial health of over 5400 charitable organizations in the United States.
- Massachusetts Corporation SearchIncludes for-profit and non-profit.
Print Reference Books
- The Foundation DirectoryCall Number: Ref AS911.A2 F65
- National Directory of Nonprofit OrganizationsCall Number: Ref AS29.5 .N38
- National Directory of Corporate GivingCall Number: Ref HV89 .N26
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