Country Information
Country Profiles
- Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS) This link opens in a new windowNews, market research reports, and company and financial data from more than 80 emerging markets.
- EIU Viewpoint and Country Reports (Economist Intelligence Unit) This link opens in a new windowContains Country Reports, Country Finance, and Country Commerce, plus special reports on current international issues. Updated continuously.
- Political Handbook of the WorldOverviews of government organizations, political parties and election results.
- Globesmart ProfileUse your NU login & password to access your Globesmart account
"The GlobeSmart Profile is a powerful, statistically validated instrument that allows you to discover your preferred work style and see how you compare to other cultures, colleagues, and team members. GlobeSmart’s proprietary algorithm gives you custom advice for working with specific colleagues and cultures on topics like building trust, giving feedback, and obtaining information." - CIA World FactbookThe World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.
- Culture Crossing Guide" A community built resource for cross-cultural etiquette and understanding."
Country & Operational Risk Indices
- FitchConnect (BMI)Country risk, analysis of financial markets, and industry research, providing users with a variety of company and industry information including credit research, credit ratings, macroeconomic and financial fundamental data, Financial Implied Ratings, and a curated news service.
- Perry-Castañeda Library Map CollectionCountry and Regional Map Sites
International Public Companies
- MarketLine Advantage This link opens in a new windowCompany, industry, country and financial data for every major marketplace in the world. Includes company SWOTs, company overviews, industry profiles, market research, case studies, financial deals, country analysis, news and statistics.
- Mergent Online This link opens in a new windowAccess to detailed international company information, including business description, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt and capital stock. Financial statements are presented in "as-reported" form. Access is limited to 5 users at a time.
International Private Companies
- PitchBook This link opens in a new windowPitchBook delivers data and research covering private capital markets, including venture capital, private equity and M&A transactions. Download limit: 10 downloads a day/25 downloads a month, per user.
- PrivCo This link opens in a new windowBusiness and financial information on US-based, private non-publicly traded corporations, including family-owned, private equity-owned and venture-backed companies. Access requires registration with a Northeastern email address.
- Mergent Intellect This link opens in a new windowA fully searchable database with detailed information on businesses including both active/inactive companies as well as daily updates on executives.
International Industries
- IBISWorld This link opens in a new windowUS, EU, Mexico, Canada, China, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and global reports
- FitchConnect (BMI)Country risk, analysis of financial markets, and industry research, providing users with a variety of company and industry information including credit research, credit ratings, macroeconomic and financial fundamental data, Financial Implied Ratings, and a curated news service.
- Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS) This link opens in a new windowNews, market research reports, and company and financial data from more than 80 emerging markets.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowBrings together data and graphs on every imaginable topic from business to government, surveys, sports, and scientific topics. Easy to use, exportable charts and data, recommended citations.
- MarketLine Advantage This link opens in a new windowCompany, industry, country and financial data for every major marketplace in the world. Includes company SWOTs, company overviews, industry profiles, market research, case studies, financial deals, country analysis, news and statistics.
- Mergent Online This link opens in a new windowAccess to detailed international company information, including business description, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt and capital stock. Financial statements are presented in "as-reported" form. Access is limited to 5 users at a time.
Public Company Government Agencies by Country
Government agencies in various countries that store publicly-traded company filings
Statistics & Analysis
- brings together resources from across the U.S. Government to assist American businesses in planning their international sales strategies and succeed in today’s global marketplace.
Recommended Websites
- globalEDGE International Business Resources From Michigan State University, this site is a portal to a large number of international business resources. Includes interactive educational tools.
- Market Potential Index: Emerging Markets Rankings, with a U.S. focus, of the market potential of the largest economies to provide guidance to the U.S. companies that plan to expand their markets internationally.
- OECD Better Life Index An interactive tool that lets you visualize and compare some of the key factors – like education, housing, environment, and so on – that contribute to well-being in OECD countries.
- Corruption Perception Index From Transparency International.
- Regional Trade Agreements Provides information on agreements where the WTO has either been notified, or for which an early announcement has been made.
- International Trade Administration Data, links, and information from the US Dept of Commerce, ITA.
- Massachusetts Export Center "Resource for accessing a wide range of instructional and practical information on exporting to help your business grow and take advantage of international opportunities."
Language Profiles
- Ethnologue : Languages of the World This link opens in a new windowA reference work cataloging and mapping all of the worlds known living languages. Since 1951, the Ethnologue has been an active research project involving hundreds of linguists and other researchers.
News and Articles
- PressReader This link opens in a new windowPressReader provides online access to today's newspapers from over 100 countries around the world in over 60 languages in a full-color, full-page format. This is a 90 day archive. PressReader can also be accessed via email registration. Go directly to the home page, click 'Sign In,' then 'Library or Group,' then select Northeastern University from the dropdown menu to create your account.
- MideastWire This link opens in a new windowA daily country-by-country summary and translation of news from around the Miiddle East region. Covers news sources from all 22 Arab countries, plus Iran and the Arab diaspora, including key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces.
- MERIP: Middle East Research and Information Project This link opens in a new windowIndependent analysis of events and developments in the Middle East, including Middle East Report Online, which provides news and perspectives about the Middle East not available from mainstream news sources.
- Access World News Research Collection (Newsbank) This link opens in a new windowOur largest general news source, with current and complete newspapers, magazines, wire services from around the world. Backfiles sometimes go back to the 1980s. Text only.
- Sampan newspaper - NU Archives and Special CollectionsBased in Chinatown in Boston, MA, Sampan is the only bilingual Chinese-English newspaper in New England.
- Economist This link opens in a new windowWeekly international news and business publication. The online edition features content from 1997 to the present.
- Financial TimesLondon-based and international in scope, with extensive business, marketing, economic, political, news and trends worldwide. Also hosts subject-focused newsletters, podcasts, and live conferences. Access to the Financial Times requires registration with a Northeastern or NU London email address.
- PAIS International plus Archive (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowPublic Affairs Information Service offers abstracts of scholarship and professional literature from 1915 to present. International in scope, broad range of social science topics. Includes links to full text where available for Northeastern-owned books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and many government publications.
International News Sources on the web
- Inter Press ServiceNews from the Global South
- allAfricaAfrican news
- AljazeeraBreaking news from around the world, with strong coverage of the Middle East
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