Key Resources
For additional options, visit our comprehensive list of resources or consult a Subject Librarian or discipline-specific Subject Guide.
Quick Links:
- Scholar OneSearchScholar OneSearch is unique among our databases because it provides access to the Library catalog. To search the catalog for books, e-books, digital media, archival materials, and other local resources, select the Library Catalogs option in Scholar OneSearch. To include peer-reviewed, newspaper, and other kinds of articles in your search, select the Library Catalog and Articles option.
- Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowAcademic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database useful for searching a broad range of topics in the fields of public policy and related disciplines. Many full-text articles are available; click the PDF or the check for full-text link to locate them!
- Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowScholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information, the majority in full text. Some video.
- EconLit (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowThe American Economic Association's electronic database and the foremost source of references to economic literature. Includes citations, abstracts, and selected full text from scholarly and professional literature from 1969 to the present.
- GreenFILE (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowMaterials on sustainability and its connection to health, policy, law, and the environment.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR archives full-text scholarly articles in a number of disciplines, including public policy and public administration, labor and employment, urban studies, and transportation studies. As noted below, the NU Library also purchase JSTOR ebooks.
- Policy Commons This link opens in a new windowReports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 24,500 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, non-profits, advocacy groups, and research centers.
- Policy File (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowU.S. foreign and domestic policy papers and gray literature, PolicyFile is updated weekly with abstracts and links to the latest reports, papers, and documents from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies. A unique feature of the database is its categorization of think tanks by political orientation.
- PubMed (NU customized) This link opens in a new windowA comprehensive source of journal literature in the life sciences and biomedicine from the National Library of Medicine. Includes selected full text from PubMed Central, and NCBI Bookshelf. PubMed is a free web resource, however this version contains links to Northeastern-subscribed journals that require a login.
- This link opens in a new windowAn AI-powered research platform that analyzes and provides citation context for scientific papers, helping researchers evaluate the credibility and impact of scholarly articles. Account registration is necessary for some features.
- ScienceDirect Books and Journals (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowAccess to Elsevier ebooks and select scholarly journals covering biomedical science and medicine, pharmacology, neuroscience, psychology, social sciences and more.
- Social Sciences Premium Collection (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowScholarly and professional citations and abstracts with full text links in politics and public policy, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, information sciences and education. Includes PAIS and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Professional society databases are also included.
- Web of Science, Core Collection 1975-present This link opens in a new windowUse for citation tracking, finding seminal literature, data visualizations, author alerts, institutional affiliations, and impact factors. LInks to full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
Digital Newspaper Subscriptions
- New York Times via This link opens in a new windowNortheastern offers current and archival access to the New York Times. Please use the link above to register with a Northeastern email address. Once registered, users can log in directly at or use the New York Times app on a smartphone or device. Our subscription does not include access to the Cooking, Games, or Athletic sections of
- Financial TimesLondon-based and international in scope, with extensive business, marketing, economic, political, news and trends worldwide. Also hosts subject-focused newsletters, podcasts, and live conferences. Access to the Financial Times requires registration with a Northeastern or NU London email address.
- Nikkei Asia This link opens in a new windowCoverage of Asia's economic, political, business and technology news in English. Established with a goal to change the way the Asia is covered internationally and to enhance the world’s understanding of pan-Asian affairs.
Also includes data on financial markets and top companies in the region.
- Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new windowLeading economic, business, finance, and political news, information, commentary and analysis. For historic WSJ content dating back to 1985, please use Factiva (Opens in new window). Individual registration using a Northeastern email address is required.
- Washington PostWashington D.C.'s newspaper, with coverage of the city and region, national events, and coverage of federal government "inside-the-beltway" news. For off-campus access, please create an account and then follow these instructions (Opens in new window) to link our university subscription. Once registered, users can log in directly at
Other Digital News Platforms
- AtlanticThe Atlantic covers a broad range of topics including politics, society, the arts, and culture. The site includes content from 1857 to the present and includes audio, video and podcast extras.
- E&E News (Politico Pro) This link opens in a new windowUp-to-date news on energy and the environment. Includes EnergyWire, ClimateWire, GreenWire, E&E Daily, and E&E News.
- Economist This link opens in a new windowWeekly international news and business publication. The online edition features content from 1997 to the present.
- Foreign Affairs This link opens in a new windowFeatures articles and current news covering the political, historical and economic impacts of American foreign policy and global affairs; includes the full archive of Foreign Affairs Magazine 1922-present plus online-only content. Published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
- Foreign Policy This link opens in a new windowGlobal news magazine providing insights and analysis as well as original reporting.
- This link opens in a new provides news and 10 environmental newsletters: Inside EPA Weekly Report, Climate Extra, Inside PFAS Policy, Inside TSCA, Superfund Report, Clean Air Report, Water Policy Report, Inside Cal/EPA, Risk Policy Report and Environmental Policy Alert.
- Project Syndicate This link opens in a new windowA unique source of opinion pages from news outlets around the world. Good for debate and argument essays or to research a range of views on current events.
- Stat+ (Boston Globe Publishing) This link opens in a new windowNews about the biotech, pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, and public policy issues and analysis related to the life sciences and health. US focus, but global in scope. Access requires additional registration on the STAT+ site with a Northeastern email address.
Key Data and Statistical Resources
- ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) This link opens in a new windowICPSR is a membership based, non-profit data archive located at the University of Michigan; it is one of the world's largest social science archives. Access to datasets and related studies on a wide variety of topics. NU students must set up a myData account to download datasets and supporting documentation.
- PolicyMap This link opens in a new windowPolicyMap is a mapping tool for accessing data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs, and more. Supports research about communities across the U.S.
- Roper Center Public Opinion Archives (with iPOLL) This link opens in a new windowSearch opinion polls using this database from Cornell University. Poll results from news organizations, governments, private foundations, academic institutions, and more. The scope of topics spans politics, culture, workplaces, and social life. Some international coverage, though US-based polls predominate. 1930s to the present.
- Social Explorer This link opens in a new windowGeographic resource that brings together a vast and growing amount of quantitative data with an intuitive visual interface to make demographic research, the analysis of social trends, and comparison of neighborhoods, communities, counties, and other areas accessible and interactive. Access is limited to 5 users at a time.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowCovers a broad range of topics and, as such, is an excellent first place to look for statistics. Provides infographics, charts, and statistical reports.
Streaming Video Collections
- Academic Video Online (Alexander Street Press) This link opens in a new windowAcademic Video Online Premium (AVON) provides video content to a broad range of subject areas, including documentaries and journalistic content on topics in business, politics, history, music, public health, education and more. Watch complete videos or create playlists and film clips in AVON.
- Kanopy Streaming This link opens in a new windowA curated collection of films for the Northeastern community, including feature films as well as high-interest documentaries. You may use Scholar OneSearch to find out if Northeastern has a particular film. Closed captions and transcripts included. Films provided by HBO and Neon Films cannot be viewed outside of the U.S.
- Docuseek This link opens in a new windowDocumentary films for higher education including the Good Docs Collection. Watch complete videos or create playlists and film clips in AVON.
Need more help?
Please contact Roxanne Palmatier, librarian for the Policy School, Boston, Arlington, and Online or Lawral Wornek, librarian for Oakland.