Search Tools
- Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowAcademic Search Ultimate is a multidisciplinary database useful for searching a broad range of topics in the fields of public policy, economics, and political science. Many full-text articles are available; click the PDF or the check for full-text link to locate them!
- Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowScholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information, the majority in full text. Some video.
- EconLit (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowThe American Economic Association's electronic database and the foremost source of references to economic literature. Includes citations, abstracts, and selected full text from scholarly and professional literature from 1969 to the present.
- Policy Commons This link opens in a new windowReports, working papers, policy briefs, data, and audio and visual media drawn from a directory of thousands of government, nongovernment, and intergovernmental institutions and research centers.
- Policy File (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowU.S. foreign and domestic policy papers and gray literature, PolicyFile is updated weekly with abstracts and links to the latest reports, papers, and documents from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies.
- Social Sciences Premium Collection (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowScholarly and professional citations and abstracts with full text links in politics and public policy, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, information sciences and education. Professional society databases included.
- NBER Working Papers This link opens in a new windowCourtesy of the Economics Department
US-based private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. Working papers have not undergone the review accorded official NBER publications; in particular, they have not been submitted for approval by the Board of Directors, but are intended to make results of NBER research available to other economists in preliminary form to encourage discussion and suggestions for revision before final publication. 1973-present.
Government Agencies/Organizations
Policy Resources
- Policy Commons This link opens in a new windowReports, working papers, policy briefs, data, and audio and visual media drawn from a directory of thousands of government, nongovernment, and intergovernmental institutions and research centers.
- Policy File (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowU.S. foreign and domestic policy papers and gray literature, PolicyFile is updated weekly with abstracts and links to the latest reports, papers, and documents from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies.
- American Policy Directory (University of Oregon)Policy groups organized by broad topic area; see especially, the lists Economic Rights, Land Use, and Public Finance and Taxes.
Research Centers/Associations/Organizations
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Please contact Roxanne Palmatier, librarian for the Policy School, Boston, Arlington, and Online or Lawral Wornek, librarian for Oakland.