Policy Resources
To trace connections between the Supreme Court and policy issues, consider exploring Policy Commons and Policy File (linked and described below).
- Policy CommonsOUR NEWEST DATABASE! Policy Commons compiles and organizes domestic and international policy literature from think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, research centers, and government agencies, Policy Commons currently provides access to 3 million publications and offers a directory more than 23,000 organizations with work included in the collection.
Here is a sample search for marriage equality and the Supreme Court. Search results are often more focused when phrases are enclosed in quotes as shown in the example.
Use the dashboard at the left to refine your search. Choices include publishing organization, date, type of publication, language, and topic or tag. This example shows publishing organizations selections.
- PolicyFileIndexes and links to publications from 350 think tanks, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)