Getting Started and Background Materials

Welcome to the course guide for LPSC 3307 - Understanding the Modern Supreme Court 

Please visit my appointment calendar (Opens in new window)  to book video-conference or telephone research consultations. In-person meetings are available when I'm on campus. If the times offered aren't convenient, just e-mail me (Opens in new window) and we'll find an alternative. I look forward to working with you!

This Guide provides resources to help you:

  • Find background material on the Court and its members
  • Locate federal and state court cases and related materials,
  • Track down relevant news sources, and
  • Identify public policy organizations and publications related to the Court and its work.


Background Information on the Supreme Court

Here are a few sample titles which may provide useful information on the Court and its justices.

You may also search NU's Scholar OneSearch (Opens in new window) for additional e-books and articles on the Supreme Court, its history, and its members See the box below called Finding Background Information in Scholar OneSearch.


Find background information in Scholar OneSearch

Scholar OneSearch includes the NU Library catalog as well as a wide-ranging article finding tool which covers much of the journal content provided by the Library.

Begin by selecting your campus from the Scholar One drop-down menu.


The Scholar OneSearch box on the library homepage with the Boston Campus selected as a search location.


To search the catalog only (books, streaming video, and other content except articles), select Boston Catalogs from the drop-down menu at the end of the search box. 


To include articles in your search, use the drop-down to select "Boston Catalogs and Articles." While searching both the library catalog and articles, it's most effective to enclose phrases within quotations.



Find background information in HeinOnline

Find information in HeinOnline

  Search or select one of the publication categories below.