
Strictly speaking, most law review articles are not considered peer reviewed articles. That said, law review articles are excellent resources, and some library databases, including Scholar OneSearch, categorize selected law review articles as peer reviewed. 

For anyone who wishes to explore further, the Washington and Lee School of Law publishes a well-regarded ranking of law reviews

Selected Sources for Law Reviews

Selected Sources for Peer Reviewed Articles

A number of the databases listed below also contain peer-reviewed articles. For additional resources, check our list of Article Finding Databases.

See the sample from Scholar OneSearch below which illustrates a search for background information.

Find background information in Scholar OneSearch

Scholar OneSearch includes the NU Library catalog as well as a wide-ranging article finding tool which covers much of the journal content provided by the Library.

To search the catalog only (books, streaming video, and other content except articles), select Library Catalogs from the drop-down menu at the end of the search box. 

NU Library catalog search for Supreme Court.


To include articles in your search, use the drop-down to select "Library Catalogs and Articles."


Catalog search which includes library catalog holdings and articles.