Database searching tutorials
- PubMed Essentials (interactive module)
- How to use MeSH terms in your PubMed search (video link)
A short video detailing what MeSH terms are, how they can be used to make a stronger PubMed search, and how to add them to your PubMed searches.
- How to use MeSH terms in your PubMed search
A guide to using PubMed's MeSH Database and searching with MeSH terms
- How to build a MeSH search
A handout sharing the steps to identifying and adding MeSH terms to your PubMed search
- My NCBI Login Transition Tips
- PubMed: How to save searches and set email alerts
Cochrane Library
Web of Science
Tutorial: How to Find Healthcare Statistics
Struggling to find health-related data or statistics?
View this PDF tutorial on "How to find healthcare statistics."
Research Essentials
Looking for articles but not sure where to start? For articles describing primary research, written by experts in the field, try the nursing and medical databases listed below.
The brief videos below will help you develop your research question, choose keywords and offer tips for improving your search results!
1. Search nursing and health-related databases to find peer reviewed or scholarly articles on your topic.
2. Choose keywords for your topic.
3. Learn the shortcuts: use advanced search techniques to search databases more effectively and find the full text.
4. Interlibrary Loan: Use ILLIad, our interlibrary loan service to request articles not owned by Snell Library. HINT: click on the PDF link or the "Check NU LIbrary" in your database search results. If the article is not available, you will be prompted to link to ILLiad to submit your request.
5. Organize your citations using citation management tools such as RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley or Zotero. Import your citations from your database search, then autoformat them into your preferred citation style, and insert the reference list into your paper.