e-Print archive Available to the public, this archive started with physics papers, and now includes math, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. Authors submit material, often from conference proceedings, and often before print publication. (Cornell University, National Science Foundation)
Asteroid Watch, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory This site provides up-to-date information about asteroids, orbits of near-earth objects, and space missions, as well as basic facts about the origin of asteroids and comets and how close they come to Earth.
CERN Document Server CERN publications including articles, pre-prints, books, proceedings, presentations, periodicals, and multimedia. CERN is the European Council for Nuclear Research (in French, Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire).
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Fermilab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory dedicated to particle physics. This high-energy physics laboratory, home of the Tevatron particle accelerator, has reports on the latest research on particle physics. Used by scientists around the world.
HubbleSite 30 years of Hubble Space Telescope discovery
PhysLink ‘Physics and astronomy online'. A comprehensive physics and astronomy online education, research and reference website.
PhysOrg Science, physics, and technology news and information; provides forums, discussions, and experts to help on scientific problems/questions.
This meta-site provides access to just about every major Web resource including The Living Encyclopedia of Physics, job postings, scholarships and grants, conference calendars, graduate programs, student societies, free downloadable physics software, companies, instrumentation, consulting firms, patent information and more.
Science agencies in U.S. government -- a list of representatives of the Alliance, the interagency that governs (a metasearch of 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to provide users with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results).
European Southern Observatory Not limited to Europe, this site features international astronomical news through images, videos, blogs, audio-video podcasts, and more.
Sloan Digital Sky Surveys (SDSS) Detailed three-dimensional maps of the universe, with deep multi-color images of one third of the sky, and spectra for more than three million astronomical objects.
Written content on a narrow subject and published in a periodical or website. In some contexts, academics may use article as a shortened form of journal article.
A detailed list of resources cited in an article, book, or other publication. Also called a List of References.
Call Number
A label of letters and/or numbers that tell you where the resource can be found in the library. Call numbers are displayed on print books and physical resources and correspond with a topic or subject area.
Peer Review
Well-regarded review process used by some academic journals. Relevant experts review articles for quality and originality before publication. Articles reviewed using this process are called peer reviewed articles. Less often, these articles are called refereed articles.
A search setting that removes search results based on source attributes. Limiters vary by database but often include publication date, material type, and language. Also called: filter or facet.
A paper written to fulfill requirements for a degree containing original research on a narrow topic. Also called a thesis.
A searchable collection of similar items. Library databases include resources for research. Examples include: a newspaper database, such as Access World News, or a humanities scholarly journal database, such as JSTOR.
Scholarly Source
A book or article written by academic researchers and published by an academic press or journal. Scholarly sources contain original research and commentary.
Scholarly articles are published in journals focused on a field of study. also called academic articles.
Scholarly books are in-depth investigations of a topic. They are often written by a single author or group. Alternatively in anthologies, chapters are contributed by different authors.