Support for e-books

Most e-books are available in two ways:

Online: Read the book as long as you are connected to the internet, either on the Northeastern campus network or logged in through Scholar OneSearch with your myNortheastern username and password. 

Download: Download a book to read offline when you don't have an internet connection.  Offline access sometimes allows features like highlighting, copying, and printing.  It usually requires you to use special software such as BlueFire or Adobe Digital Editions, and the book is available for a limited period of time, depending on the publisher and license agreement with Northeastern.


If we don't have access to what you need...

Try using Northeastern's Interlibrary Loan system to request books, book chapters, or articles not available at NU. Articles can be delivered electronically. 



Scholar OneSearch is the Library's primary discovery system and catalog. Use it to search for books in Snell Library. To access the catalog only, use ADVANCED SEARCH.

Research Tip: In ScholarOneSearch, keyword (word) searching is the most effective way to research a topic.