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New Books in Journalism and Media Studies
Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts by
ISBN: 1000801209Publication Date: 2022-09-29In this book, authors engage in an interdisciplinary discourse of theory and practice on the concept of personal conviction, addressing the variety of grey zones that mark the concept. Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts discusses where our convictions come from and whether we are aware of them, why they compel us to certain actions, and whether we can change our convictions when presented with opposing evidence that prove our personal convictions "wrong".Data + Journalism by
ISBN: 9781000811933Publication Date: 2022-12-30Taking a hands-on and holistic approach to data, Data + Journalism provides a complete guide to reporting data-driven stories. This book offers insights into data journalism from a global perspective, including datasets and interviews with data journalists from countries around the world.Humanitarian Journalists by
ISBN: 1032407670Publication Date: 2023-01-11This book documents the unique reporting practices of humanitarian journalists - an influential group of journalists defying conventional approaches to covering humanitarian crises.The Future of the Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy by
ISBN: 9781003205739Publication Date: 2022-04-19This volume examines the effects of Donald Trump's presidency on journalistic practices, rhetoric, and discourses. Rooted in critical theory and cultural studies, it asks what life may be like without Trump, not only for journalism but also for American society more broadly.