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Selected Databases

Given the interdisciplinary nature of health sciences, it may be necessary to identify subject areas outside of health topics.  Search several different databases for the most comprehensive search results. We have selected some of our databases to highlight for different subject areas below in addition to the Key Resources on the Get Started page.

  • Environmental Health
  • Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
  • Health Policy
  • Business
  • Engineering, Computer Science

Think about telehealth, it might involve policies, technology or engineering, usability studies and of course health outcomes. Coverage on telehealth could be found in publications for each of these disciplines, therefore multiple databases may be needed.

Explore other databases beyond PubMed below.

Behavioral, Social Science

Environmental Health


Education, Technology, Legal, Global

Populations and Groups

Health Policy, Business, Administration

Alternative, Complentary Health

Google Scholar?

When should Google Scholar be used? The answer is that it depends, The linked tutorial here will give you more information. One main thing to think about is that we can't always know what is included or excluded in Google products.