Research Data Services

After you've located your datasets or statistics, you may want to consult one of the specialists in our Research Data Services unit for further assistance with services ranging from data visualization to text mining. The links below lead to Guides with information about staff, key resources, and services.

Get Started

Data and Statistics

It can be difficult to separate data and statistics into neat, mutually exclusive categories. For this reason, we suggest that you scan both the data sites and the statistical compendia and related resources described in the boxes below.

TIP: A successful search for datasets often begins in a statistical source. Check the notes attached to tables and charts which frequently identify the datasets from which the statistical materials were drawn.

Statista is a unique statistical resource which can be used to identify datasets on a broad range of topics. Example below.


Graph of broadcast news coverage of climate change by four networks with a red box highlighting the source for the numbers used to construct the graph.

Try the data, statistical, and polling resources provided in the boxes below. If you don't find sufficient information, visit the Social Science Data and Statistics Guide which covers business, economics, demographics, immigation, crime and justice, energy, the environment and sustainability, food and agriculture, health, housing, public opinion, transportation, voting and elections, women and gender, and urban studies.

Key Data and Polling Resources

Key Statistical Resources

Need more help?

Please contact Roxanne Palmatier and Christine Oka, library partners for the DLP program.