Key Texts


AccessAnesthesiology is a prime resource for anesthesiology. AccessAnesthesiology includes:

  • Leading anesthesiology textbooks – a definitive collection of anesthesiology texts including the comprehensive reference, Anesthesiology, along with the world’s best-selling anesthesiology book, Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology.
  • Multimedia – A robust library of animations, lectures, and procedural videos designed to guide students, residents, faculty, and practicing anesthesiologists through basic and advanced skills including exclusive ultrasound, regional anesthesia, and advanced monitoring videos.
  • Interactive Self-Assessment – More than 3,800 Q&A designed to help residents prepare for their in-service exams and boards, and clinicians for recertification or specialty exams such as TEE and Pain Medicine.
  • Practice Guidelines – Concise tables and algorithms summarize the latest protocols to distil essential information for easy access.
  • Integrated Drug Database – Look up dosing, indications, and adverse reactions quickly for generic and brand-name drugs, and print out patient handouts available in both English and Spanish.
  • Cases – More than 100 patient cases from Case Files and Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology help students better understand and explore possible patient scenarios in the clinical setting.

Orient yourself to AccessAnesthesiology by watching a webinar recorded for Northeastern students and faculty.

Readings for Compassionate Clinicians

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 National Library of Medicine

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Full-text medical e-book collections include:
ClinicalKey, AccessMedicine, AccessAnesthesiology, AccessPharmacy, AccessPhysiotherapy, Ovid Ebooks, SpringerLink (Springer), STAT!Ref.

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