Fall 2022

One important point to note: substance use is an extremely stigmatized public health issue. As a field, we are constantly working to use the most inclusive language as we discuss stigmatized issues.

Check out this resource from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) about stigmatizing language in substance use: Words Matter - Terms to Use and Avoid When Talking About Addiction. The end of the article includes a helpful list of terminology and how we can use person-first language to be more inclusive.

If you don't want to purchase a copy, Borrowing from a library is a great option!

Print, ebook and audiobooks may be available at your institution's library or a public library. Each state or local library may have different membership criteria, formats and ways to borrow. It is worth looking into. Below are some links to help.

Temple University Students:

Tulane Students

Northeastern University Students


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Additional information: About the book (and Hulu Series)